Saturday, November 12, 2005

Fergie was never taught to wipe!

Black Eyed Peas eye candy Fergie seems to have a bladder problem. She can't stop pissing on herself as shown here. Now a rep claims that it was "sweat." Now if by sweat you mean urine, ok I can buy that. But to try and pass this off as perspiration, now that's just a lie.
I personally think she's an ok singer and only gets by because she's attractive. The peas would do fine without her.

Madonna, Not a young Jew anymore

Don't people know when their time is up? Madonna, who flirts with being both British and Jewish obviously hasn't looked at herself in the mirror lately or else would say to herself; " I really have no business dressing this way."
Seriously Madonna, no one wants to see your old ass prancing around in your underroos anymore. What do you think this is? The "True Blue" album where you were semi- attractive?
I think i'm going to go pull out her "sex" book and think of better days.

Friday, November 04, 2005

This is what Willis was talkin bout!

Today, Republican GOP have unveiled a plan that would build a wall streching from the Pacific ocean to the Gulf of Mexico to stem the tide of illegal terrorists entering this country.
Yes, I said "Illegal Terrorists." Because in my eyes, anyone here illegally is a threat to this country and should be tried as such.
I personally feel this is long overdue. These pieces of shit have been coming here for years, abusing our system, taking benefits from those rightfully entitled to them, and not being concerned about the repercussions of being caught. After all, they only need to hop across again.
They are also trying to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal terrorists. But, that would take an amendment to the constitution ratified by three fourths of the states. Not an easy feat, but it can be done.
I can hear the wheels of the democrats moving to block this. After all, without the Hispanics, who will vote for them?
In ending this all I can say is; THE PARTY'S ALMOST OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Potential Child Molester on the South Side of Waltham, MA.

So I read in the local paper about a guy who gets nabbed by the police for posession of child pornography. To add to it, he has encrypted messages on his computer outlining fantasies he has about a particular girl in the neighborhood. I know of this girl and she is no older than 15. He's 35. Now that this man is seeing a therapist, his lawyer stated that "he deleted all questionable material when he started seeking help."
I don't think so. He deleted it when he knew the police were going to come knocking.
But I personally think the police are protecting this guy.
So he get's indicted and is released without bail, and isn't even ordered to stay away from kids. What kind of a judge would do that? He has singlehandedly put every child in danger who lives in this neighborhood. I still see him playing with the kids in the neighborhood. Even the girl who he fantasises about when he masturbates. They say he's on anti-libido drugs, but I don't buy that shit for a second.
He embraces some of these kids, especially the girl, like their his own. Hugging them and tossing them around. And the funny thing is that all the parents still allow their kids to be around him. It is very strange. They have to know what's happening. Maybe they're all perverts and in on the whole thing.
And you think he'd keep a low profile. Especially when he's about one step away from a category 2 sex offender.
I have a 3 year old who I fear for. Because the day will come when he can play outside and this man may be out there.
But i'm always here. And if you ever touch any child, James Casey. especially mine, you'll get the hard goodbye.

Ashlee Simpson makes all of America stupid

My second favorite pinata, after a two-way tie for first being that elephant sperm Paris Hilton, and that bucktoothed, illiterate horse, Fantasia Barrino has to be Ashlee Simpson. That fraud, and yes, when it isn't you singing and claim it is, you're a fraud, managed to net her second number one album this week. Beating out Stevie Wonder and Rod Stewart.
Now we know neither one of them really sings.
How is this possible? Did you all take stupid drugs or did mommy just do to much heroin when the 220,000 people who bought her "album" were unborn? It really shows the stupidity of the American public as well as how corrupt the music industry is.
Didn't her getting outted at SNL teach you anything?
"Jessica's lip-synching sibling managed to hold off the advances of Stewart's latest for-the-fogies compilation of standards, Thanks For the Memory...The Great American Songbook: Volume IV--along with buzzed-about new releases from Martina McBride, Stevie Wonder, Bun-B and Depeche Mode--to notch her second straight chart-topper.
Simpson's I Am Me sold 220,000 copies for the week ended Sunday, while Stewart's Songbook moved 193,000, according to Nielsen SoundScan tracking. It's the sixth week in a row that a new album has debuted at number one on the Billboard 200. "

Lip-synching sibling. I couldn't have said it better myself. A big fuck you to all the little douchbags that bought this trash ensuring that only death will make her go away.
And I still Say her father is having incestuous three-ways with his daughters. I've seen too many pictures of him ooggling over them.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

An Oscar for J Ho?

That's what the latest rumor is. I know, I can't believe it either.

"I hear the bombshell from the Bronx has been telling friends that her main priority right now is to win an Academy Award®. And to do so she may even consider changing the make-up of the current team that's guiding her career. "She keeps saying, 'I don't want anything else but an Oscar,'" a source tells me. One bigwig has advised her to separate herself a bit from some of her mass-market business endeavors if she ever wants to be taken seriously as an Oscar-caliber actress"

Remember the good ol days when she stuck to things she knows. Like pulling trains on the cast of "In Living Color." I would love to hear what Jamie Foxx has to say about this.
I can almost guarantee that never in our lives will we hear, "And the oscar goes to..."
But iv'e been wrong before.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Death Anyone?

Read this today off the BBC. Who says there's not enough depressing crap in the news. Two 13-year old girls we convicted of manslaughter of a little girl. Now, I am a father of a 3-year old who is my hero, and my best friend. If the day ever came that something like that happend and the Judge only gave 2 years. You bet your sweet fuckin ass that i'll go and get my friend "big nothing" and that'll be that.
End of fucking story.
Simple, you kill a kid, you die.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Slapped by a woman?

Oct. 17 Their Toyota Indy 400 runs ended in a crash Sunday, but the action between Danica Patrick and Jaques Lazier didn't end on the track.
"So you're telling me that Jaques is saying he got beat up by a girl?" Patrick told the Star through a Rahal Letterman Racing spokesperson.
Dr. Kevin Scheid was driving the rescue vehicle and told the two drivers to settle down. But he would not settle the punch/poke debate.
"I'm not going to break that tie," he told the Star, laughing.
Patrick, who came away from the crash with a sore left elbow, and Lazier, who was not injured, came together and both spun and slammed hard into the wall. Each blamed the other for the crash that set up the dramatic finish.
"That's not the way I wanted to finish my season," Patrick said. "I was on my radio all day about him. He was all over the track even when he was running by himself. No wonder he jumps around from team to team. Needless to say, I'm pretty frustrated."
Lazier said Patrick was the one at fault for continually pinching his car down in the corners.
"She didn't want to give me any room," Lazier said. "

Hey dickface! That's racing. And seeing as your team has had like 28 crashes this year I wouldn't argue with the woman. Besides, i'd gladly crash into her if she'd punch me.
I love you Danica, better luck next year.

File under 'oops!'

A TEENAGE girl has been shocked and humiliated after students at her private school distributed a porn video they thought she starred in.The 17-year-old from northern New South Wales was stunned to discover students had copied footage from an X-rated website featuring an actress she looked like.
The 10 seconds of film was then circulated by email to dozens of other students, wrongly claiming she was the star.
The school and police are investigating the incident.
The girl, who asked not to be identified, told The Sunday Mail she first became aware when she received a text message asking if she was a porn star.
Other students confronted her as speculation spread through the school about the woman in the video.
"It happened when I was right in the middle of my end-of-year exams for Year 11, when one of the boys sent a text to me. He said, 'Are you making porn now?'," she said yesterday.
The girl said she was left shocked when she saw the video.
"It made me feel horrible, it was unfair and humiliating that they had done this," she said.
The girl's parents have had to become members of a US porn site to track the original video and clear their daughter's name.
"As her parents we were astounded at the resemblance of the porn star to our daughter and, had we not recognised the difference in body features, we would have thought the same as everyone else – that it was her," her father said."

Wow, that just sucks. But leads me to ask: How is it that the parents could tell the difference now? Unless they're boinging her.
Just kidding.

Now, Fantasia Barrino blames others for being stupid

So now, to counter her stupidness, Fantasia Barrino blames others for her illiteracy in true celebrity fashion. If you can call someone who does karreoke a celebrity. But it worked for Ashlee Simpson.

"A couple wants signs promoting Fantasia Barrino removed because they think her new autobiography portrays the city negatively.
In her book, "Life is Not a Fairy Tale," Fantasia said she couldn't read after attending local schools. She also described how her friends used to call High Point the "Land of the Dead."
The 21-year-old R&B singer won season three of the Fox television show "American Idol."
Kyle Sandler, 29, and Jennifer English, 26, have created a Web site to counter the book's descriptions.
"I can see people driving in to (the furniture) market saying, 'Ha ha ha. Fantasia hates them but look at the signs saying 'Welcome to High Point, home of Fantasia Barrino,'" Sandler said."

So whose fault was it then Fantasia? And I still want to know how you read the rules for American Idol on account of you being a moron.
Oh, and nice retainer!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Yoko Oh no!

I don't care what anyone says; the Beatles suck and are so overrated. And Yoko Ono killed John Lennon and no one else. We should be bringing her up on charges. Personally I don't see what a bisexual like Lennon saw in her.
And this picture makes me want to puke. This is regarded as one of the most memorable covers ever. I have no idea why either.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hillary endorses breaking the law

Ok, I loved Bill Clinton. But I can't stand his douchebag wife. Last week, Hillary posted on her senate website that she thought it was ok to give illegal immigrants who were displaced by the hurricanes, diaster relief?
What the fuck?? I live here and I can't get any benefits because I am above the median income. Which isn't much for all you keeping score. And essentially we're saying it's ok to break the law.
I say, give them a band aid and a cup of water and deport their law breaking, immigrant asses. I am so sick of my tax dollars going to these scum.

Child Molesters are Everywhere! Especially France!

Ok, shouldn't there be a law forbiding Roman Polnaski from having anything to do with children?
This guy is fucking scum and should be hung by his balls.

"One of the reasons Roman Polanski chose to interpret Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist" for the screen was simple: he wanted to make a movie for children."I'm happy that my children and their friends to whom I showed this film gave me good reviews this time," he said in Bangkok on Saturday to some laughter from reporters."

Gee, I wonder what they were laughing at? The same thing I am I wager. And BTW, Polanski has been living in France of all places since he fled the US in 1978 rather than face sex charges.
Leave it to the French to take in this child raping pervert. But after all, these are the same pussies who surrendered to Hitler rather than fight.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Black Stereotypes are everywhere.....

I found this while on the yahoo! message boards. Which, if I were a comiedian would be using these because they are an untapped resource for funny shit. BTW, I did not author this....

1. Basketball
2. Graffiti
3. Selling crack
4. Committing violent felonies against whites, usually rape and murder
5. Collecting food stamps
6. Dating mentally ill/FAT white women
7. Keeping prisons full
8. Running from cops...for about 10 seconds until they send the k9 unit after them
9. Remaining chronically unemployed
10. Being lazy
11. Being stupid
12. Being overall just worthless
13. Jacking cars
14. Talking on cellphones
15. Wearing fake gold
16. Driving Caprice Classics
17. Stealing Caprice Classics
18. Having tons of bastards kids
19. Spreading STDs
20. Somehow getting all of society to HATE you
21. Standing too close
22. Asking white smokers for cigarettes
23. Driving too slow in the rain
24. Driving like maniacs in snow. Snow is white, they have to tear it up
25. Walking out on the tab
26. Dodging collection agencies
27. Dodging social workers
28. Trading food stamps for drugs
29. Breeding dogs for fighting only
30. Killing cats for fun with those same dogs
31. Standing too close to the curb
32. Walking across the street too slowly
33. Hanging around liquor stores begging for change
34. Dropping a 3-day old sandwich after bumping into you and blaming you for it, hoping you'll pay for it
35. Whining/griping/complaining ABOUT EVERYTHING
36. Calling in sick
37. Not getting along at work
38. Smelling funny all the time
39. Perpetually trying to sue for dumb things

Special thanks goes to yachtsman_john_kerry for that bit.
Can't wait for the hatemail on this one.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Gorillas in our midst

Haha. That will surely draw some ire. Who told this douchebag (Naomi Capmpbell BTW) that it was ok to dress like this?
The woman to her immediate right has a priceless look on her face.
Congratulations Naomi on setting your people back a million years with this one. She's a definite cokehead.
I hope your father kicks your ass.


Ok, did "w" magazine take idiot pills today? I hope no one buys this magazine because buying anything this cokehead endorses is endorsing this kind of behavior

" Undated handout photograph made available today, Friday Oct. 7 2005, of the front cover of November's W magazine featuring supermodel Kate Moss on the cover. It will be Kate's first fashion magazine cover since recent damaging allegations of cocaine abuse. British pop star Robbie Williams said Friday that top model Kate Moss was being attacked unfairly for allegedly using cocaine. "It wouldn't have surprised me if she had tried to commit suicide the week that everything hit the papers," Williams told reporters at a news conference in Berlin Friday to introduce his new album, "Intensive Care."
Robbie Williams must be snorting coke with Moss, Sharon Stone, and that barbarian Naomi Campbell. Hey asshole, they have a video of her snorting 5 lines. So how is that "being attacked unfairly?" The best thing she could do is off herself and hopefully the droves of 13 year old girls who idolize her won't think it's ok to blow 5 lines of coke.
And they should stop saying "allegedly" because the evidence is there. Plain as the blow on her face.
I think she was on smack in this photo. My Kate, what big nostrils you have.

Fantasia Barrino is still stupid!

Singer Fantasia, who won the "American Idol" television talent show competition last year, performs on ABC's "Good Morning America" summer concert series in New York's Bryant Park, Friday, July 22, 2005. She is promoting her debut album "Free Yourself."
I'm thinking she should change the album title to "Teach Yourself: How to read."

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Someone finally got it right!

I get so pissed off at People magazine every year with their "50 Most beautiful/In the news at the moment, people in the world." Some of these people have no beauty outer or inner, but are listed because they are trendy at the moment. I'm sure that pig Paris Hilton will make the cut this year. Maybe I should make a porno and i'd make it in.
Well, Esquire has finally put the finger right where it should in naming Jessica Biel as the "sexiest woman alive" and no sentiment could be any more true.
Bravo Esquire!
And I still love this woman!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Even I make mistakes

OK, awhile back I ranted about Danica Patrick and her supposed snobbiness. Well, isn't it funny how a spread in FHM can change one's opinion. And she does have skill. I caught an IRL race and she's good. I don't know why she hasn't won yet.
I'm sorry Danica, PLEASSEEEE return my calls!

Red Sox suck!

I called it months ago that this team was one series away from imploding. And look what happened? Swept away. Sox won't win another series for another 80 years I imagine. They suck.
Have fun in the offseason losers. Thanks for letting the fans down.

I just don't understand...

Some people. Now, you are a rich as all hell person and you could have any woman in the world. Why would you want someone where everyone else has been? For all you scractching your head i'm talking about Paris Hilton and the rumor that she is swooning Stavros Niarchos. Famous for banging Mary-Kate Olsen.
I don't get it. What do people see in that STD collection that is Paris Hilton? She's a pig, and only famous for being rich and partying.
Guess i'll just stick to being stupid but if Stavros dosen't want an unexpected growth at the end of willy, he'll get out now.
Wear a rubber dude!

Isn't it time to wake up?

OK, someone tell me what's up with this makeup? It's obvious that she needs a makeup lesson but someone should tell her to do something with that nose. When is Ashlee going to wake up and realize she isn't her sister? No mattar what that magic mirror on her wall says.
Hope she takes some medicine for her "acid reflux" this weekend on SNL.
And I don't care what anyone says, she fucking lipsynchs.
Oh, and she's cock-eyed. I just realized that.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My own comments

Well, apparently some people don't like what I have to say. It's like if you come out against Israel, your "anti-semetic", come out against homosexuals, you're a "homophobe", and say ANYTHING against black people, your a "racist bastard" (see my Fantasia Barrino post for more on that).

So I guess this is what I have to say; if you don't like what I have to say, go fuck yourself! And don't send comments that you're not "going to be back" because you know you will!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Fantasia Barrino is stupid

Wow, file another one under the "I knew it" category. Fatasisia Barrino has revealed that she's illiterate. Now can someone please tell me how she competed in American Idol, got a bank account, or read the lyrics to a song (which is her livelihood BTW) without being able to read?

Jesus Christ, Curious George can read for fuck's sake. Now I don't want to come off as racist, but black and illiterate? Big surprise there. I think I am going to go and have a heart attack and die from that one. Shame on me for stereotyping. I just slapped my own hand and promised not to do it again.

Paris is burning

I wish. Well, to no one's suprise, especially mine, Paris "I'm a pig" Hilton has called off her engagement to the shipping puke. Citing reason that she has a "very active career." Now, by very active do you mean showing up at engagements, getting taped having sex with strangers, or doing the rounds in men's magazines every month? Well, that explains it.

I love going to the supermarket and seeing her on every cover from FHM, to Maxim. Thank god I cancelled my subscription.

Now Paris, I know you think the world is as stupid as you, but you should've been honest and told the real truth: Paris Latisis' father didn't want his son to get married to some walking STD holocaust bitch. But you can save face and try to say it was your decision. I'm sure the rest of stupid America will belive you. After all, they take you seriously as an actress.

I think i'm going to watch "One night in Paris." Thank you Bearshare

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Immigration Poem


I visit US, get treated regal,

So I stay, who care I illegal?

I cross ocean, poor and broke,

Take bus, see employment folk.

Nice man treat me good in there,

Say I need to see welfare.

Welfare say, "You come no more,

We send cash right to your door."

Welfare checks, they make you wealthy,

Medicaid, it keep you healthy!

I go to college, for me it's free,

and now I have a Ph.D.

By and by, I got plenty money,

Thanks to you, American dummy.

Write to friends in motherland,

Tell them come as fast as you can.

They come in turbans and Ford trucks,

I buy big house with welfare bucks.

They come here, we live together,

More welfare checks, it gets better!

Fourteen families they moving in,

But neighbor's patience wearing thin.

Finally, white guy moves away,

Now I buy his house, and then I say,

"Find more aliens for house to rent."

And in the yard I put a tent.

Send for family (they just trash),

But they, too, draw the welfare cash!

Everything is very good,

And soon we own the neighborhood.

We have hobby-- it's called breeding,

Welfare pay for baby feeding.

Kids need dentist? Wife need pills?

We get free! We got no bills!

American crazy! He pay all year,

To keep welfare running here.

We think America darn good place!

Too darn good for the white man race.

If they no like us, they can scram,

Got lots of room in Pakistan.

Shut the fuck up Naomi Cambell

Some people don't know when to be quiet and play dumb. For some stupid reason, Naomi Cambell is defending Kate Moss. Now Naomi, modeling isn't a pro sports where the team has to defend the linebacker for poping the 16 year old. Idiot Moss got caught blowing 5 lines of coke on camera. And she got what she deserved; fired from three contracts.
Hope you didn't. "blow" it all away. Ok I kill me.
Shut up Naomi Cambell, before somene decides to start watching you.

Follow up to the Israel rant....

OK, this is addressed to those of you who label me as an; "Anti-Semite", "Jew Hater", and "Racist".
I choose to hate stupidity. And that can fall along a long range of people. Now I look at it this way; Over in the Middle-east, there is Israel, who is beyond rich! Thanks mostly in part to us. While I have trouble paying certain bills every month. Then you have tent-city that is Palestine where it's people are suppressed to the point of extinction. And that is a view from a neutral-stance. No sides on that one.
What will the companies be? Israel withdrew from the West-Bank. A territory the Palestinians blew themselves up over for years. And then Pals. Began a rocket barrage into Israel?
uh, what?
Israel has the nuke. Palestine dosen't. And i'm afraid to admit that if the Pals. had it. The birthplace of my man, Jesus Christ would be inhospitable for the next ten thousand years.
And he would be really pissed if that happened.
And what brought that on? Well, at a family gathering this weekend, my father voiced his utter hatred for the Palestinians and most arabs in general. And I thought; "I read of a man who thought the same way, and by the time of his death he killed over 6 million people." However, if you had said that to my father, it wouldn't even be worth it to argue because you couldn't get an opinion in.
Sorry dad, still love ya though.
I still prefer to remain neutral.
Peace in the middle-east. If Clinton were in office, I think he could do it.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Terrorism Quiz

Special thanks to my man "Lord Maggot" on the Yahoo! Message boards for this tidbit.

Question: Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from 29 more by U.S. vetoes?Answer: Israel.

Question: Which country in the Middle East receives more than one-third of all U.S. aid yet is the 16th richest country in the world?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East receives U.S. weapons for free and then sells the technology to the Republic of China even at the objections of the U.S.?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East had its Prime Minister announce to his staff not to worry about what the United States says because "We control America?"Answer: Israel

Question: What country in the Middle East was cited by Amnesty International for demolishing more than 10,000 innocent Palestinian homes as a means of ethnic cleansing.Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East used a weapon of mass destruction, a one-ton smart bomb, dropping it in the center of a highly populated area killing 15 civilians including 9 children?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely kills young Palestinian children for no reason other than throwing stones at armored vehicles, CAT bulldozers, or tanks?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East signed the Oslo Accords promising to halt any new Jewish Settlement construction, but instead, has built more than 290 new settlements since the signing?Answer: Israel

Q. Which country in the Middle East has assassinated more than 480 political officials of its opponent in the last 5 years while killing thousands of civilians in the process, including thousands of children and babies?Answer: Israel

Q. Which country spits in America's face by refusing to extradite the American jew (Samuel Sheinbein) back to the USA after he had killed a Christian child in Maryland? {This is particulary disgusting - do a YAHOO search of SAMUEL SHEINBEIN to read the entire story}Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East regularly violates the Geneva Convention by imposing collective punishment on entire towns, villages, and camps, for the acts of a few, and even goes as far as demolishing entire villages while people are still in their homes?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East continues to use internationaly outlawed fleshette bombs?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country has a 12% unemployment rate (1 out of 8 jews sit on their fat jew butts watching TV all day) yet is able to pay all their cable bills thanks to a yearly $12BILLION welfare check from the American taxpayer?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country is the entire cause of Arab/Moslem hatred towards the USA?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country gives each of it's citizens a $1800 yearly "bonus" thanks to you and I puting in overtime to pay our taxes?Answer: Israel

Which country has REFUSED to sign ANY arms control or NPT treaties on Nuclear chemical or biological weapons?Which country has secretly developed nuclear weapons, and then JAILED the whistleblower who revealed it to the world?Which country had supplied the old APARTHEID government of South Africa with Nuclear bomb technologies?Which country claims to be a 'democracy' but DENIES 1/3 of its population the most basic of human rights and lock them up in concentration camps from birth till death?Which country enacted ethnic purity laws to restrict population growth of its Arab minority?Which country has ignored every resolution of the U.N, reportedly has an arsenal of about 300 atomic weapons and refuses to discuss this with anyone, use illegal weapons on a civilian population - Flechette bombs - and have violated nearly every international law of war on the books.

Wow, makes you think!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Does anyone believe this bullshit?

Christina Aguilera is apparently "happy" that rival Britney Spears had a baby. Somehow I think that Paris Hilton would be more happy if Nicole Richie died in a firey, horrific car crash.

"My assistant came in the room when it happened and she's like, 'Britney had a boy!' and I was like, 'Oh my gosh!' I don't know where I was for a while when she was pregnant but it really kicked in at that point. It's like, 'Wow, she had a baby! That's crazy!' I'm overjoyed and thrilled for her. It's such an exciting time in her life and I just wish her the best."

Total crap. And as fake as your boobs. Next.

Uh, What?

So Donnatella Versace (Who?) Has opened a shop in London (I think half my audience just fell asleep) and that pig, Mariah Carey attended.

Does anyone else but me think that she may have attended to draw attention away from Donatella's beauty? Ok, that was a bad joke. Sorry to those of you I just killed.
Mariah Carey could be standing next to her naked with hotdog's sticking out of every orafice and most would still be like "How could they let that poor car accident victim out of the hospital?" What the fuck is wrong with Donatella's face? Someone please tell me that.

Good thing someone offed her homo brother or she would still be obscure. Kinda like puffy or whatever he's calling himself these days.


So for those of you that care, (I don't) That idiot Reene Zelpullmyfinger or however you say her friggin name, filed for Divorce from that country retard Kenny Chesney. I can't believe I spelled that right. Citing "Fraud" as the reason?

Now . Renee, whatever could you mean?

Does he use a "vocal assist" AKA Lip Synch or is he just plain gay? Define fraud!

Still waiting on an answer for that one.

Excuse me, I just threw up in my mouth at the thought of her being single.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I don't Love Courtney

File under: Another big suprise.

Courtney Love has been busted yet again for drug use. What is that like 27 times now? And the Judge, (Must be a hole fan), sentenced her to 180 day rehab for breaking her probation for past drug and narcotics use. For all of you blinking your eyes, that's right, go back and read it again.

So how many times are we supposed to put up with this crack ho? It truly is a shame she hasn't overdosed yet so we may save some trees by not printing about her.
Shouldn't we take the trees feelings into consideration?

No wonder why Kurt ate that shotgun.

Courtney, you are a loser and a drug addict and no amount of rehab will help you. Do us all a favor and off yourself so your little bastard daughter may have a chance at normalcy. But being spawned from that cootie hatch of yours, I doubt it.

Cocaine Moss

Wow! Big suprise. "supermodel" Kate "Cocaine" Moss has admitted to using cocaine to stay thin. An undercover expose by the foreign tabloid "Daily Mirror" has video footage of Moss doing 5 lines of cocaine with her drug addict boyfriend Pete Dohrety in a recording studio. Who he himself has had brushes with the law and his own drug problems.
Here we have another example of celebrities skirting the law. Anyone else would be crucified.
Moss, who is a model for Hennes & Mauritz clothing line, admitted that she did in fact use cocaine.
She was scolded with a slap on the wrist and promised not to do that again. Somehow, I think she will.
Funny thing is that the same tabloid had to pay an undisclosed amount to Moss this past January for printing a story that she collapsed into a "Cocaine induced coma" in 2001.
Now where would they get such a silly idea? Shame on the daily mirror for printing the truth.
If this were anyone else they would be jailed. But since it's a celeb, it's no big deal.
Must be the pressures of being rich. She didn't have me fooled for a second.
I would encourage you all to NEVER shop at H&M because they refuse to scold Moss for this and it's sets a bad image for their comapany. Tell them what you think 1.212.564.9922

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Federline you fuckin piece of shit!!

So, my battle with celebs continues. I just read that Kevin Federline, AKA Mr. Britney Spears was involved in another marrige. To Moesha star Shar Jackson. And they had 2 children together. Well, keeping in tune with his 'white trash' moniker, he DESERTED them to marry that trailer trash douchebag Britney Spears.

How can the public accept this?

I hope I can meet the two of you someday so I can tell you what pieces of shit you are. And your kids to. I hope your childrens dogs die horribly in front of their eyes.

I hope the public someday understands that "celebrites" don't give one rats ass about you. All they care about is that you keep them rich, stay in the public eye so that people won't figure out the real truth about them; that they are truly the biggest fuckin scumbags on the face of the planet.

So keep buying her records and endorsing her kind of behavior. But to me she will always be one thing; white, trailer trash.

Got Porn?

Holy Crap! And I mean that literally. What the hell happened to porn? I remember the good ol days when porn had a plot and it wasn't how fast you could nail the girl in the 3rd input. Nowadays, well, all you have to do is look at the multitude of anal porn out there to know what mean.
Does anyone have virgin sex anymore? I guess we are at a point in society that we have become desensitized (no pun intended) to the whole thing.
It wasn't long ago that things like this were considered sodomy and God struck down two cities.
I think my man Jesus is rethinking the getting nailed to the cross thing.
And this chick is my favorite.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

So New Orleans is flooded. People are dead, homeless, starving and alone. I feel terribly for these people.

But it's your own fault.

It dosen't take Helen Keller to figure out that you shouldn't live eighteen friggin feet below sea level. I mean come on!!! If you house is built on a cliff overlooking the ocean and one day it falls in, to goddam bad. That's the chance you took in where you live.

So I guess the moral of the story is, that if you live in tornado alley in some decreped, white trash, inbred trailer and a tornado wipes you out, sorry, but that's the chance you took.

Why celebs shouldn't be taken literally

Fuckin Gweneth Paltrow. Another shining example to why even if you have no talent, and come from a connected family you can make it in Hollywood.
So pig (Gweneth) is sticking her big snout into the business of Former flame Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Know what pig? Keep your mouth shut and don't offer any marital advice especially when you can barely deal with your own.

Jealous much?

And what the fuck is with the name Apple? Good way to give the kid a complex you douche.

Oh, and here's my 'marital advice' to you; Coldplay sucks!
What? Coldplay sucks and your marrige to that dope won't last more than a few more years and trust me, I'll be there to remind you of it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Been Awhile

Like most, there isn't alot of people involved in my life. I spend most of my time alone wishing for different things; happiness, success, independence. For most of my life these things have eluded me. I am getting tired. And the sad part of it is, that i am only 30. Soon to be celebrating 31. Celebrating isn't the word. Depressing is more like it. I haven't looked forward to a birthday in over a decade. To me it's one year closer to death. And it scares me.

I pray to be happy one day because I am tired of misery.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Biel this!

I love this woman.


Ok so you're a has-been with a fading careear and given your age you can't get into shape.
How do you take the lazy way out? Well my favorite head case, Mariah carey shows us how by having a set of abs airbrushed on her. Mariah Carey's sudden ab-fab look at New York's Fourth of July celebration has some asking: Are they real? Her rep hasn't commented to PEOPLE, but Sally Blenkey-Tchassova at Brazil Bronze salon in New York says the muscled look is easy to get, using "scultped tanning" to create shadow and light around the abdomen. However, she says, Carey's resembles air-brushed makeup. "We wouldn't paint on a six-pack of abs," says Blenkey-Tchassova. "Our procedure is much more subtle than that."

Friday, July 15, 2005

Mr. Congeniealities' Garage

A true sign that the devil is among us. It is being reported that Sandra Bullock and Jesse James of "MOnster Garage" fame are now married.
Now, don't get me wrong. It's cool to be married to someone in Hollywood. But Sandra Bullock? Jesse Didn't you see Speed 2? Come on!
I would've rather stayed married to the former lesbian movie actress. But that's just me.
She was much better looking.
I bet Sandra is missionary only.

Are you kidding?

So this douchebag Carl Rove (Deputy Chief), leaks the name of an undercover CIA agent to the media and is now trying to deny it. When the White House was asked if Rove was going to be dismissed, they replied "No comment" to the mattar.
Not too long ago. W. stated that anyone who was caught doing something like this "Would not have a place in my administration." Well, Rove still has a job. Hmmmmmm.
Now Rove is saying that reporter Robert Novak was the one who originally told him. How convienient that this surfaces now. But so what? That dosen't change anything. I personally think he's lying and should be fired, but that would be the moral thing to do and this is America

Jesus, I think politicians are more self-serving than celebrites. But one thing is for certian; they all get away with the same amount of shit.

Cameron Diaz you swine!

Ok, so here we have what's-her-face. Is she still seeing Timberlake? Shouldn't that be statauory rape of some kind? And she is now suing someone who has topless pictures of her that is threatening to release them.

And why shouldn't he?

Diaz says that the model release form is a fake and that she never signed one. Ok, stupid! What the fuck did you think he was going to do with them? Put them out on the coffee table for guests?

This is just another example of a celeb. being above the law.

Now i'm not saying that O.J is a murdering bastard or anything. Or even suggesting that Michael gave that kid wine then then fondled him. Just that if this we're another noface civillian, the case would get laughed out of court.

Now, in Cameron's defense; iv'e seen you in a bikini and for all intents and purposes, cardboard left out in the rain for a month looks better. These pictures will only bring to light what you really don't look like anymore.

Take it as a "god works in a mysterious sort-of-way thing."

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

So Un-cool

Anyone see the movie "So Cool" with Travolta and Thrman? Basically a remake of "Get Shorty" but set around the music industry. The movie I thought was well written, good character development, and decent plot. Unfortunatly, I lost it with all the cameos; Steven Tyler, and Fred Durst among others. Which brings me to my point;

How the fuck in god's rock-and-roll Earth do you put such a rock legend, with the such a wannabe pigeon shit? And if you need me to spell out who is who, you should go drink drain-o right now.

Now to be fair to Durst, He did a better job acting because it involved no speaking lines, Or moving for that mattar. Tyler just overplayed the "As Himself" role.

Better luck next time.

Woo Hoo!!!

AS most of you know, I hate most celebrities. Now there is one here and there that seems to be wholesome and self-respecting. But that is few and far between.
It was announced yesterday that the "Simple Life" with Nicole Richie and that piece-of-shit Paris Hilton are returning for a 3rd season. So here I was thinking that I wouldn't have anyting to rag on Paris about, but FOX took care of that for me. I will now have 3 months of new material. Haha.

And I will never visit Paris because of her. That and the French being the ultimate cowards.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

New Blog.....

I have created a new blog; "Lord Vulcan" about a coming- of- age character, and who in some ways is my alter-ego. Check it out. Posting will be very periodical.
Sorta like an "Incredible Hulk" kind of thing.

Cindy Fitzgibbon

This girl is the hottest weather chick since....has there been one? Well, I was watching one day months ago and noticed she was gaining weight and I thought she may be pregnant.. and as an artist I see these things. Sorry ladies.
But anywho, then she makes an announcent that she in fact was expecting. Then I got pissed cause it so ruins the dream for the rest of us. Just kidding. Congratulations Cindy, your husband is one lucky motherfucker!

Family Guy

I love this show. it is a very realistic and uncensored look at middle class life in my book.

I fiind it funny that in the show, it isn't Lois and Peter who are the adults; that role is more affirmed by Stewie (One-year old infant son), and Brian (The talking dog). Stewie seems to represent what a little Hitler would be like, hell bent on world domination. And Brian is an Alchoholic. Too funny.

The show was actually cancelled. But then when the DVD came out, sales went through the roof and was subsequently returned to the air.
TV hasn't been funnier.

American Dad is pale competition. Sorry Seth.

Skid Row and the 80's metal generation

I was just watching Skid Row's set from SNL in 92'. And that kicked so much ass, it makes me want to slam my head through a wall. Those guys we're the zenith of heavy and Sebastian was what every frontman should be; killer.

I even contemplated getting the "Youth Gone Wild" tattoo that adorns his forearm. Now that I look back on it, i'm glad I went with the double sleeves.

With the reinsurgence of metal back into todays' lame-ass excuse for rock n' roll I wish they above all would reunite. I caught Sebastian on his live DVD; it's not the same.

And what the fuck is being on the "Gilmore Girls" dude? I think Loreli is hot and all, but come on!

I saw the Skids two years ago on the "Thick is the Skin" tour and I felt bad for laughing.

As far as i'm concerned, Skid Row is the only reason that New Jersey is even a blip on the music map. And no Bon Jovi, you don't count!

Get it together dudes and tour!

Oh, and Baz? Screw Andrew Lloyd Webber!


Serena and Venus Williams competing for the same role in a movie? Rumor has it that they are both courting Xmen 3 execs. for the role of a pheromone secreting villian.
Are they the best they can find? Couldn't Latoya Jackson and that Alliyah chick free up some time?
I swear the williams sisters are dudes. Someone should check them for a penis.

Can't resist

Even since blogger introduced the photos aspect of the site, I can't get enough of doing my own Maxim-esque candids. And as current readers of this blog know; I fuckin hate certian celebrities and the media.

So Britney is pregnant. And expecting twins even. Wow, I bet the walking dead that is the american public is eating is up. I can hear it now; "I can't concentrate on my own life so i'll just concentrate on someone elses'. These rants get old, but so does the amount of devotion that we show to these celebs. Guess what? They crap just like you and I. Only difference is that it's alot more interesting when they do it.

She is getting old and I hope she goes away.
Good to see you're going bald and look like shit.
Better keep track of the placenta; it'll wind up on Ebay.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Supreme court no no.....

I don't get it; what's with W. and his affinity for the hispanics? Chances are with the resignation of Sandra Day O'Connor and the imminent retirement of William Rehnquist, it is likely that W. will nominate one to the Supreme Court.

I guess he never had his bike stolen by one or gotten in a fight with one.
Then I remember the time one threw my younger brother in a garbage can. Wouldn't you know I caught his ass walking down the street and he's lucky I didn't strangle him to death.


As in the Metallica version of the "Imperial March."

Isn't there laws against things like this?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Mariah Carey

Ok, I caught the tail end of her show and here's what I think.
You, are a has been who is beoynd your time. Number one allbum or not. I hope Tommy Mattola screws with your careear even more. And did you have to stand your fat-ass among all those starving kids to make yourself look thinner? I thought she was going to microwave a few of them for dinner.

Wow, I am negative sometimes.

Stem cells and big business

Great article in today's Boston Herald about stem cell research. Among many points laid out was one that shows the US falling far behind the rest of the world in terms of progress. Now I don't understand why the US in embracing stem cell research; we could cure all kids of disease, even cancer, the blind could see and the paralyzed ma walk. So why aren't we embracing this? Simple. Big business and W. don't want stem cells because it would take BILLIONS away from the medicals companies and corporations. Not to mention these same companies line the pockets of the politicians and law makers to make this research and subsequent cures impossible to attain. It's only a mattar of time before another country like South Korea, who are the undisputed leaders right now, come up with a cure. Then W. will make it outright illegal. After all, who are we to take money away from politicians and big business? It's only our lives i'm talking about.
Do you really think the cancer research places will willingly give up this money? No, they would rather have children die rather than mess with the money.

Immigration and why I hate it!

I am so sick and tired of hearing of these people who come and abuse our system and benefits. We have people legal citizens starving in this country, and yet we have people who immigrate here illegally and then take every benefit we have so there isn't any left for the real citizens.
There are people who immigrate illegally into this country into Texas. The cattle ranch owner who sees the perp trespasses on his land, shoots and kills him. Then his wife, all the while still in Mexico , still not speaking english successfully sues the cattle rancher for millions and has to see his ranch. What a country.
What we need to do is when we institute the national ID card, we empower ALL state and federal agencys the power to crack down on illegals. And by crack down I mean, say a decent, tax-paying citizen notices that an illegal family is living above them, or drive down the street and see them landscaping a lawn, or the ever popular roofing gig . He can then call the police to investigate. Police come and see that the immigrants are here illegally. Guees what? Immediate deportation. No appeal, No "I don't speak english". I don't give a fuck about you, your family what kind of poverty you lived in before or what drug cartel is after your son. Get out of my country you immigrant scum!
I have paid countless thousands into social security, and to know that it won't be there for myself or my son when we get older infuriates me to the point that I have to write things like this. And yet someone who isn't even legal can get all the benefits.
It is unfathomable that a group like the minute men who are the true champions of freedom and decency aren't allowed to operate.
There need to be more polititions that care about this country to get these people out and close our borders once and for all. No more immigration to this great country.
Stay in mexico, columbia or whatever 3rd world country you crawled out from.
What is this country coming to?
Vincete Fox? Kiss my white fuckin ass you trash. Stop letting your police kidnap tourists.

And for the record, I am not a racist. I am just sick of our system being abused to the point that it is collapsing.

Celebrity Trash

I can't stand hollywood and the liberal media. Problem with us today in society is that we pay too much attention to the fictional lives of celebrities and not enough to our own. Do we really need to know who Tom Cruise is banging this week? Do I need to know what goes on in the white trash life of Britney Spears who is SOOOOO desperate for attention, she'll support some dope and then let it all hang out for reality television? If reality shows are so real, why do they employ writers? Stupid american public. Reminds me of the pied piper leading the rats to their doom. And we're the rats.

Beyoncé, what can I possibly say about her? Whatever I want. Thank you first amendment. I saw her ghetto ass tattoo and I thought, "How fitting is that?"

Cameron Diaz suffers from the worst pancake tits I have ever seen. I don't know how Timberlake can go down on that. I guess money is everything.

No amount of Photoshop can hide the evidence of Kelly Ripa having kids. Kelly, do us a favor; stick to daytime talk TV, and leave the real acting to professionals like Regis.

Kirsen Dunst looks like an ugly heroin addict.

Ok, and Paris Hilton? I hope I meet you in real life so I can spit at you and tell you what a fuck you are. You've never worked a day in your life, represent everything that is wrong with America and why we need to have our freedoms restricted. You are an embarassment to yourself and the name you purpose. You are not famous for your intellegence or charm. You are famous because you're stupid, screwed on film and people can't get enough of it. I stay away from anything your name, or the Hilton name touches because see it or not, you're an embarassment. And someday, your socialite life is going to come crashing down and I hope then, you will continue to bother us with your life no furthur.
The smartest thing Nicole Richie did for her crdibility was get away from you and I hope you won't make Stewart's daughter look more stupid than when she wiped that bike out at the awards show.
Oh, and Paris? Your fiancee looks like a homosexual.
I hope your uterus dies so you cannot pollute the world with any more of your kind.

Lara Flynn Boyle? I think you and Dunst are using the same dealer. Nicholson was right to dump you.

All these celebrites have in common is that they were in the right place at the right time. Or just banged the same jewish producer. Now if we can just get the rest of the world to see these scum for the degenerate trash they are, and we may stand a fighting chance.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Natalie Portman

Ok I have a problem with celebrities who go to college. And the reason is that when they go to college, they start to take themselves seriously. Now I loved her in Star Wars and she is such a cutie, but it annoys the crap outta me that she won't show her boobs. Are you too god to show them Natalie? grow some nuts willya?
I almost forgot where I was going with that. This past weekend she gets pulled over in NY for having an expired registration. Natalie is sporting a shaved head for her role in "V is for Vendetta" and she felt that her getting pulled over was a case of 'racial profiling' because her shaved head "Made her look like a terrorist". That is rich.
Next time, renew your friggin registration so some poor cop dosen't have to deal with your whiny ass.
Racial profiling. Is it too late to get a refund on that Harvard education stupid?
I hope he gave her a ticket.

Katie Holmes

Ok, this "marrige" is so full of shit. Cruise is a two-time loser and will definitly make it three with this one. Dosen't Katie Holmes realize she can do better than him? Now don't get me wrong, Cruise has made some of the most entertaining movies iv'e seen, but he sorta sucks in the personality dept. And WTF is with scientology? That's like saying morman is a legitamate religion. And I would be willing to bet twelve hours, nailed on the cross, that my man didn't visit Salt Lake City. Whatever.

London Bombings

Truly barbaric and the height of cowardice. I can't say who is responsible for this, but I can definitly point a few fingers. God bless Britian, our thoughts are with them.


I personally think W. has it all wrong here in how he's handling Iraq. As a former marine, I find it criminal that we are risking our young sons and daughters to fight this war when we should have turned that area of the world into a giant sheet of glass in the beginning. I think Americans sometimes forget who we are fighting for over there. These are a people who have only known war. If they aren't warring with another country, then it was with themselves. These kind of people cannot exist in a democratic world.
So I wake up tomorrow and i'm the President? Ok here's how I do it;
There is no such thing as laser guided bombs anymore. We roll out EVERY B-52 stratofortrss and we go back to the bombing runs of WWII Berlin and we systematically bomb all the major cities into dust. If a terrorist cell wants to occupy a town, that town is bombed to dust. And we continue this bombing campagin for as long as it takes. Then we isolate all pockets of resistance and move in howitzers and begin long range artillery shelling reinforced by even more heavy bombing. Then we move in batallion after batallion of tanks to clean up. Only then do we move ground troops in.
We would have Iraq situated in six months.
Quick resloution; Nuke the sumi triangle.

This is what i'm talking about! This Judge should be President.

Remember the guy who got on a plane with a bomb built into his shoe andtried to light it?
Did you know his trial is over?
Did you know he was sentenced?
Did you see/hear any of the judge's comments on TV/Radio? Didn't think so.
Everyone should hear what the judge had to say.
Ruling by Judge William Young, US District Court.Prior to sentencing, the Judge asked the defendant if he hadanything to say. His response: After admitting his guilt to the court for the record, Reid also admitted his "allegiance to Osama bin Laden, to Islam,and to the religion of Allah," defiantly stated "I think I will not apologize for my actions," and told the court "I am at war with your country."Judge Young then delivered the statement quoted below:January 30, 2003, United States vs. Reid. Judge Young:"Mr. Richard C. Reid, hearken now to the sentence the Court imposes upon you. On counts 1, 5 and 6 the Court sentences you to life in prison in the custody of the United States Attorney General. On counts 2, 3, 4 and 7, the Court sentences you to 20 years in prison on each count, the sentence on each count to run consecutive with the other.That's 80 years. On count 8 the Court sentences you to themandatory 30 years consecutive to the 80 years just imposed. The Court imposes upon you each of the eight counts a fine of $250,000 for the aggregate fine of $2 million. The Court accepts the government's recommendation with respect to restitution and orders restitution in theamount of $298.17 to Andre Bousquet and $5,784 to American Airlines. The Court imposes upon you the $800 special assessment. The Court imposes upon you five years supervised release simply because the law requires it. But the life sentences are real life sentences so I need go no further. This is the sentence that is provided for by our statutes. It is a fair and just sentence. It is arighteous sentence. Let me explain this to you. We are not afraid of you or any of your terrorist co-conspirators, Mr. Reid. We are Americans. We have been through the fire before. There is all too much war talk here and I say that to everyone with the utmost respect. Here in this court, we deal with individuals as individuals and care for individuals as individuals. As human beings, we reach out for justice.You are not an enemy combatant. You are a terrorist. You are not a soldier in any war. You are a terrorist. To give you that reference, to call you a soldier, gives you far too much stature. Whether it is the officers of government who do it or your attorney who does it, or if you think you are a soldier. You are not----- you are a terrorist. And we do not negotiate with terrorists. We do not meet with terrorists. We do not sign documents with terrorists. We hunt them down one by one and bring them to justice. So war talk is way out of line in this court. You are a big fellow. But you are not that big. You're no warrior. I've know warriors. You are a terrorist. A species of criminal that is guilty of multiple attempted murders. In a very real sense, State Trooper Santiago had it right when you first were taken off that plane and into custody and you wondered where the press and where the TV crews were,and he said: "You're no big deal."You are no big deal. What your able counsel and what the equally able United States attorneys have grappled with and what I have as honestly as I know how tried to grapple with, is why you did something so horrific. What was it that led you here to this courtroom today? I have listened respectfully to what you have to say. And I ask you to search your heart and ask yourself what sort of unfathomable hate led you to do what you are guilty and admit you are guilty of doing. And I have an answer for you. It may not satisfy you, but as I search this entire record, it comes as close to understanding as I know.It seems to me you hate the one thing that to us is most precious. You hate our freedom. Our individual freedom. Our individual freedom to live as we choose, to come and go as we choose, to believe or not believe as we individually choose. Here, in this society, the very wind carries freedom. It carries it everywhere from sea to shining sea.It is because we prize individual freedom so much that you are here inthis beautiful courtroom. So that everyone can see, truly see, that justice is administered fairly, individually, and discretely. It is for freedom's sake that your lawyers are striving so vigorously on your behalf and have filed appeals, will go on in their representation of you before other judges. We Americans are all about freedom. Because we all know that the way we treat you, Mr. Reid, is the measure of our own liberties. Make no mistake though. It is yet true that we will bear any burden;pay any price, to preserve our freedoms. Look around this courtroom.Mark it well. The world is not going to long remember what you or I say here. Day after tomorrow, it will be forgotten, but this, however, will long endure. Here in this courtroom and courtrooms all across America,the American people will gather to see that justice, individual justice, justice, not war, individual justice is in fact being done. The veryPresident of the United States through his officers will have to come into courtrooms and lay out evidence on which specific matters can bejudged and juries of citizens will gather to sit and judge that evidence democratically, to mold and shape and refine our sense of justice.See that flag, Mr. Reid? That's the flag of the United States of America That flag will fly there long after this is all forgotten.That flag stands for freedom. And it always will.Mr. Custody Officer. Stand him down.So, how much of this Judge's comments did we hear on our TVsets?We need more judges like Judge Young, but that's another subject. Pass this around. Everyone should and needs to hear what this fine judge hadto say.Powerful words that strike home.
God bless America, and Fuck you Richard Reid you towel headed motherfucker!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Pricks Pt. I

My neighbors annoy the shit out of me. They are so loud and inconsiderate. And to ask them to quiet down is almost like you are insulting their culture. They are spanish, and anyone that knows me, knows I have a special place in my heart for them. I consider most that I have met to be rude , inconsiderate, and self-serving. And I have met many in my life. I even had a bike stolen by one when I was young.
So they have these "Prayer Meetings" that consist of loud music, stomping on the floor with a large number of people. I have a 3 year old son. Now, iv'e been a catholic all my life and I have never known these meetings to be like this. I guess that's the way they do things in Columbia. Now keep in mind that there are four families living in this house and we have all complained about them to no avail by the landlords. I have even had to call the police on occasion. Oh, and the landlords are my grandparents.
I pay a substancially less of a rate to live here, but for that I get no support from them, and when situations like this happen, they turn a blind eye to it simply because they get 1100.00.
What-the-fuck-ever, blood is thicker than money.
Apparently not if you come from a greedy, authoritarian, Italian family.
And they (my grandparents) wonder why no one wants anything to do with them.
One would think that with all the money they horde in their backyard they could afford a clue.
But then again, they still think and act like it's 1930 America.
Get a clue, it's 2005 and none of us are going to live forever.

Danica Patrick

So for those of you living under a rock as far as the racing world is concerned, The IRL (Indy Racing League) has a new female rookie. Now, keep in mind the IRL is a mostly male dominated sport and she is facing an uphill battle just because she is a female. But time will tell if she proves everyone wrong about her.
Myself included. When I see her she has this too-smug look on her face that says; "i'm fast" And that is really friggin annoying. It makes want to punch her in the mouth. She dosen't give alot of credit to anyone else and she is too much about herself. No wonder why she keeps losing. She needs to humble a little. The mannarisms she gives are those of the seasoned drivers. Not of a rookie. I will even go so far as to say she won't win a race this year.
She gets a pole position and loses on the opening turn WITH her two teammates blocking for her. She claimed understeer and mechanical problems. Riiiiighhhhhhttttt!
Now Danica, I know that you think that the rest of the world is stupid when it comes to racing but there are some of us who know a thing or two. I seriously doubt you can run a car over 200 MPH for over 200 laps with mechanical problems and not have a failure. I think you should have been honest with the media and said it was an "ability" problem, not "mechanical."
Grow up. Nice try, we saw right through it.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Live 8

It was great to see such a worthy cause generating so much. As a fan of music in general I think it was great to bring such acts as Pink Floyd (Good to see Roger Waters peached his fit), Motley Crue (Mick Mars you fuc*ing rule!), and U2(Bono, do you ever shut the hell up?), together in a common cause of decency. I think we as americans take the freedoms and liberties that we have for granted. There are nations so poor that Bono from U2 said that fifty-thousand people will be dead of starvation before concerts end. That is so unreal to me. No one should ever go hungry as my grandfather always says. Hopefully, someday we live in a world where children dying of starvation is a distant memory.


Hopefully, you all don't think this is going to be all depressing. Most of it will be random and sudden thoughts and opinions. Thanks for reading and come back often.
