Sunday, July 10, 2005

Celebrity Trash

I can't stand hollywood and the liberal media. Problem with us today in society is that we pay too much attention to the fictional lives of celebrities and not enough to our own. Do we really need to know who Tom Cruise is banging this week? Do I need to know what goes on in the white trash life of Britney Spears who is SOOOOO desperate for attention, she'll support some dope and then let it all hang out for reality television? If reality shows are so real, why do they employ writers? Stupid american public. Reminds me of the pied piper leading the rats to their doom. And we're the rats.

Beyoncé, what can I possibly say about her? Whatever I want. Thank you first amendment. I saw her ghetto ass tattoo and I thought, "How fitting is that?"

Cameron Diaz suffers from the worst pancake tits I have ever seen. I don't know how Timberlake can go down on that. I guess money is everything.

No amount of Photoshop can hide the evidence of Kelly Ripa having kids. Kelly, do us a favor; stick to daytime talk TV, and leave the real acting to professionals like Regis.

Kirsen Dunst looks like an ugly heroin addict.

Ok, and Paris Hilton? I hope I meet you in real life so I can spit at you and tell you what a fuck you are. You've never worked a day in your life, represent everything that is wrong with America and why we need to have our freedoms restricted. You are an embarassment to yourself and the name you purpose. You are not famous for your intellegence or charm. You are famous because you're stupid, screwed on film and people can't get enough of it. I stay away from anything your name, or the Hilton name touches because see it or not, you're an embarassment. And someday, your socialite life is going to come crashing down and I hope then, you will continue to bother us with your life no furthur.
The smartest thing Nicole Richie did for her crdibility was get away from you and I hope you won't make Stewart's daughter look more stupid than when she wiped that bike out at the awards show.
Oh, and Paris? Your fiancee looks like a homosexual.
I hope your uterus dies so you cannot pollute the world with any more of your kind.

Lara Flynn Boyle? I think you and Dunst are using the same dealer. Nicholson was right to dump you.

All these celebrites have in common is that they were in the right place at the right time. Or just banged the same jewish producer. Now if we can just get the rest of the world to see these scum for the degenerate trash they are, and we may stand a fighting chance.

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