Sunday, September 18, 2005

I don't Love Courtney

File under: Another big suprise.

Courtney Love has been busted yet again for drug use. What is that like 27 times now? And the Judge, (Must be a hole fan), sentenced her to 180 day rehab for breaking her probation for past drug and narcotics use. For all of you blinking your eyes, that's right, go back and read it again.

So how many times are we supposed to put up with this crack ho? It truly is a shame she hasn't overdosed yet so we may save some trees by not printing about her.
Shouldn't we take the trees feelings into consideration?

No wonder why Kurt ate that shotgun.

Courtney, you are a loser and a drug addict and no amount of rehab will help you. Do us all a favor and off yourself so your little bastard daughter may have a chance at normalcy. But being spawned from that cootie hatch of yours, I doubt it.

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