Thursday, October 27, 2005

Potential Child Molester on the South Side of Waltham, MA.

So I read in the local paper about a guy who gets nabbed by the police for posession of child pornography. To add to it, he has encrypted messages on his computer outlining fantasies he has about a particular girl in the neighborhood. I know of this girl and she is no older than 15. He's 35. Now that this man is seeing a therapist, his lawyer stated that "he deleted all questionable material when he started seeking help."
I don't think so. He deleted it when he knew the police were going to come knocking.
But I personally think the police are protecting this guy.
So he get's indicted and is released without bail, and isn't even ordered to stay away from kids. What kind of a judge would do that? He has singlehandedly put every child in danger who lives in this neighborhood. I still see him playing with the kids in the neighborhood. Even the girl who he fantasises about when he masturbates. They say he's on anti-libido drugs, but I don't buy that shit for a second.
He embraces some of these kids, especially the girl, like their his own. Hugging them and tossing them around. And the funny thing is that all the parents still allow their kids to be around him. It is very strange. They have to know what's happening. Maybe they're all perverts and in on the whole thing.
And you think he'd keep a low profile. Especially when he's about one step away from a category 2 sex offender.
I have a 3 year old who I fear for. Because the day will come when he can play outside and this man may be out there.
But i'm always here. And if you ever touch any child, James Casey. especially mine, you'll get the hard goodbye.

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