Friday, October 14, 2005

Black Stereotypes are everywhere.....

I found this while on the yahoo! message boards. Which, if I were a comiedian would be using these because they are an untapped resource for funny shit. BTW, I did not author this....

1. Basketball
2. Graffiti
3. Selling crack
4. Committing violent felonies against whites, usually rape and murder
5. Collecting food stamps
6. Dating mentally ill/FAT white women
7. Keeping prisons full
8. Running from cops...for about 10 seconds until they send the k9 unit after them
9. Remaining chronically unemployed
10. Being lazy
11. Being stupid
12. Being overall just worthless
13. Jacking cars
14. Talking on cellphones
15. Wearing fake gold
16. Driving Caprice Classics
17. Stealing Caprice Classics
18. Having tons of bastards kids
19. Spreading STDs
20. Somehow getting all of society to HATE you
21. Standing too close
22. Asking white smokers for cigarettes
23. Driving too slow in the rain
24. Driving like maniacs in snow. Snow is white, they have to tear it up
25. Walking out on the tab
26. Dodging collection agencies
27. Dodging social workers
28. Trading food stamps for drugs
29. Breeding dogs for fighting only
30. Killing cats for fun with those same dogs
31. Standing too close to the curb
32. Walking across the street too slowly
33. Hanging around liquor stores begging for change
34. Dropping a 3-day old sandwich after bumping into you and blaming you for it, hoping you'll pay for it
35. Whining/griping/complaining ABOUT EVERYTHING
36. Calling in sick
37. Not getting along at work
38. Smelling funny all the time
39. Perpetually trying to sue for dumb things

Special thanks goes to yachtsman_john_kerry for that bit.
Can't wait for the hatemail on this one.

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