Monday, October 03, 2005

Paris is burning

I wish. Well, to no one's suprise, especially mine, Paris "I'm a pig" Hilton has called off her engagement to the shipping puke. Citing reason that she has a "very active career." Now, by very active do you mean showing up at engagements, getting taped having sex with strangers, or doing the rounds in men's magazines every month? Well, that explains it.

I love going to the supermarket and seeing her on every cover from FHM, to Maxim. Thank god I cancelled my subscription.

Now Paris, I know you think the world is as stupid as you, but you should've been honest and told the real truth: Paris Latisis' father didn't want his son to get married to some walking STD holocaust bitch. But you can save face and try to say it was your decision. I'm sure the rest of stupid America will belive you. After all, they take you seriously as an actress.

I think i'm going to watch "One night in Paris." Thank you Bearshare

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