Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Danica Patrick

So for those of you living under a rock as far as the racing world is concerned, The IRL (Indy Racing League) has a new female rookie. Now, keep in mind the IRL is a mostly male dominated sport and she is facing an uphill battle just because she is a female. But time will tell if she proves everyone wrong about her.
Myself included. When I see her she has this too-smug look on her face that says; "i'm fast" And that is really friggin annoying. It makes want to punch her in the mouth. She dosen't give alot of credit to anyone else and she is too much about herself. No wonder why she keeps losing. She needs to humble a little. The mannarisms she gives are those of the seasoned drivers. Not of a rookie. I will even go so far as to say she won't win a race this year.
She gets a pole position and loses on the opening turn WITH her two teammates blocking for her. She claimed understeer and mechanical problems. Riiiiighhhhhhttttt!
Now Danica, I know that you think that the rest of the world is stupid when it comes to racing but there are some of us who know a thing or two. I seriously doubt you can run a car over 200 MPH for over 200 laps with mechanical problems and not have a failure. I think you should have been honest with the media and said it was an "ability" problem, not "mechanical."
Grow up. Nice try, we saw right through it.

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