Friday, November 04, 2005

This is what Willis was talkin bout!

Today, Republican GOP have unveiled a plan that would build a wall streching from the Pacific ocean to the Gulf of Mexico to stem the tide of illegal terrorists entering this country.
Yes, I said "Illegal Terrorists." Because in my eyes, anyone here illegally is a threat to this country and should be tried as such.
I personally feel this is long overdue. These pieces of shit have been coming here for years, abusing our system, taking benefits from those rightfully entitled to them, and not being concerned about the repercussions of being caught. After all, they only need to hop across again.
They are also trying to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal terrorists. But, that would take an amendment to the constitution ratified by three fourths of the states. Not an easy feat, but it can be done.
I can hear the wheels of the democrats moving to block this. After all, without the Hispanics, who will vote for them?
In ending this all I can say is; THE PARTY'S ALMOST OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

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