Friday, July 15, 2005

Are you kidding?

So this douchebag Carl Rove (Deputy Chief), leaks the name of an undercover CIA agent to the media and is now trying to deny it. When the White House was asked if Rove was going to be dismissed, they replied "No comment" to the mattar.
Not too long ago. W. stated that anyone who was caught doing something like this "Would not have a place in my administration." Well, Rove still has a job. Hmmmmmm.
Now Rove is saying that reporter Robert Novak was the one who originally told him. How convienient that this surfaces now. But so what? That dosen't change anything. I personally think he's lying and should be fired, but that would be the moral thing to do and this is America

Jesus, I think politicians are more self-serving than celebrites. But one thing is for certian; they all get away with the same amount of shit.

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