Friday, July 08, 2005


I personally think W. has it all wrong here in how he's handling Iraq. As a former marine, I find it criminal that we are risking our young sons and daughters to fight this war when we should have turned that area of the world into a giant sheet of glass in the beginning. I think Americans sometimes forget who we are fighting for over there. These are a people who have only known war. If they aren't warring with another country, then it was with themselves. These kind of people cannot exist in a democratic world.
So I wake up tomorrow and i'm the President? Ok here's how I do it;
There is no such thing as laser guided bombs anymore. We roll out EVERY B-52 stratofortrss and we go back to the bombing runs of WWII Berlin and we systematically bomb all the major cities into dust. If a terrorist cell wants to occupy a town, that town is bombed to dust. And we continue this bombing campagin for as long as it takes. Then we isolate all pockets of resistance and move in howitzers and begin long range artillery shelling reinforced by even more heavy bombing. Then we move in batallion after batallion of tanks to clean up. Only then do we move ground troops in.
We would have Iraq situated in six months.
Quick resloution; Nuke the sumi triangle.

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