Sunday, September 18, 2005

Cocaine Moss

Wow! Big suprise. "supermodel" Kate "Cocaine" Moss has admitted to using cocaine to stay thin. An undercover expose by the foreign tabloid "Daily Mirror" has video footage of Moss doing 5 lines of cocaine with her drug addict boyfriend Pete Dohrety in a recording studio. Who he himself has had brushes with the law and his own drug problems.
Here we have another example of celebrities skirting the law. Anyone else would be crucified.
Moss, who is a model for Hennes & Mauritz clothing line, admitted that she did in fact use cocaine.
She was scolded with a slap on the wrist and promised not to do that again. Somehow, I think she will.
Funny thing is that the same tabloid had to pay an undisclosed amount to Moss this past January for printing a story that she collapsed into a "Cocaine induced coma" in 2001.
Now where would they get such a silly idea? Shame on the daily mirror for printing the truth.
If this were anyone else they would be jailed. But since it's a celeb, it's no big deal.
Must be the pressures of being rich. She didn't have me fooled for a second.
I would encourage you all to NEVER shop at H&M because they refuse to scold Moss for this and it's sets a bad image for their comapany. Tell them what you think 1.212.564.9922

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