Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Can't resist

Even since blogger introduced the photos aspect of the site, I can't get enough of doing my own Maxim-esque candids. And as current readers of this blog know; I fuckin hate certian celebrities and the media.

So Britney is pregnant. And expecting twins even. Wow, I bet the walking dead that is the american public is eating is up. I can hear it now; "I can't concentrate on my own life so i'll just concentrate on someone elses'. These rants get old, but so does the amount of devotion that we show to these celebs. Guess what? They crap just like you and I. Only difference is that it's alot more interesting when they do it.

She is getting old and I hope she goes away.
Good to see you're going bald and look like shit.
Better keep track of the placenta; it'll wind up on Ebay.

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