Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Why celebs shouldn't be taken literally

Fuckin Gweneth Paltrow. Another shining example to why even if you have no talent, and come from a connected family you can make it in Hollywood.
So pig (Gweneth) is sticking her big snout into the business of Former flame Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Know what pig? Keep your mouth shut and don't offer any marital advice especially when you can barely deal with your own.

Jealous much?

And what the fuck is with the name Apple? Good way to give the kid a complex you douche.

Oh, and here's my 'marital advice' to you; Coldplay sucks!
What? Coldplay sucks and your marrige to that dope won't last more than a few more years and trust me, I'll be there to remind you of it.

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