Monday, October 10, 2005


Ok, did "w" magazine take idiot pills today? I hope no one buys this magazine because buying anything this cokehead endorses is endorsing this kind of behavior

" Undated handout photograph made available today, Friday Oct. 7 2005, of the front cover of November's W magazine featuring supermodel Kate Moss on the cover. It will be Kate's first fashion magazine cover since recent damaging allegations of cocaine abuse. British pop star Robbie Williams said Friday that top model Kate Moss was being attacked unfairly for allegedly using cocaine. "It wouldn't have surprised me if she had tried to commit suicide the week that everything hit the papers," Williams told reporters at a news conference in Berlin Friday to introduce his new album, "Intensive Care."
Robbie Williams must be snorting coke with Moss, Sharon Stone, and that barbarian Naomi Campbell. Hey asshole, they have a video of her snorting 5 lines. So how is that "being attacked unfairly?" The best thing she could do is off herself and hopefully the droves of 13 year old girls who idolize her won't think it's ok to blow 5 lines of coke.
And they should stop saying "allegedly" because the evidence is there. Plain as the blow on her face.
I think she was on smack in this photo. My Kate, what big nostrils you have.

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