Sunday, July 10, 2005

Immigration and why I hate it!

I am so sick and tired of hearing of these people who come and abuse our system and benefits. We have people legal citizens starving in this country, and yet we have people who immigrate here illegally and then take every benefit we have so there isn't any left for the real citizens.
There are people who immigrate illegally into this country into Texas. The cattle ranch owner who sees the perp trespasses on his land, shoots and kills him. Then his wife, all the while still in Mexico , still not speaking english successfully sues the cattle rancher for millions and has to see his ranch. What a country.
What we need to do is when we institute the national ID card, we empower ALL state and federal agencys the power to crack down on illegals. And by crack down I mean, say a decent, tax-paying citizen notices that an illegal family is living above them, or drive down the street and see them landscaping a lawn, or the ever popular roofing gig . He can then call the police to investigate. Police come and see that the immigrants are here illegally. Guees what? Immediate deportation. No appeal, No "I don't speak english". I don't give a fuck about you, your family what kind of poverty you lived in before or what drug cartel is after your son. Get out of my country you immigrant scum!
I have paid countless thousands into social security, and to know that it won't be there for myself or my son when we get older infuriates me to the point that I have to write things like this. And yet someone who isn't even legal can get all the benefits.
It is unfathomable that a group like the minute men who are the true champions of freedom and decency aren't allowed to operate.
There need to be more polititions that care about this country to get these people out and close our borders once and for all. No more immigration to this great country.
Stay in mexico, columbia or whatever 3rd world country you crawled out from.
What is this country coming to?
Vincete Fox? Kiss my white fuckin ass you trash. Stop letting your police kidnap tourists.

And for the record, I am not a racist. I am just sick of our system being abused to the point that it is collapsing.

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