Friday, July 08, 2005

Natalie Portman

Ok I have a problem with celebrities who go to college. And the reason is that when they go to college, they start to take themselves seriously. Now I loved her in Star Wars and she is such a cutie, but it annoys the crap outta me that she won't show her boobs. Are you too god to show them Natalie? grow some nuts willya?
I almost forgot where I was going with that. This past weekend she gets pulled over in NY for having an expired registration. Natalie is sporting a shaved head for her role in "V is for Vendetta" and she felt that her getting pulled over was a case of 'racial profiling' because her shaved head "Made her look like a terrorist". That is rich.
Next time, renew your friggin registration so some poor cop dosen't have to deal with your whiny ass.
Racial profiling. Is it too late to get a refund on that Harvard education stupid?
I hope he gave her a ticket.

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