Tuesday, October 18, 2005

File under 'oops!'

A TEENAGE girl has been shocked and humiliated after students at her private school distributed a porn video they thought she starred in.The 17-year-old from northern New South Wales was stunned to discover students had copied footage from an X-rated website featuring an actress she looked like.
The 10 seconds of film was then circulated by email to dozens of other students, wrongly claiming she was the star.
The school and police are investigating the incident.
The girl, who asked not to be identified, told The Sunday Mail she first became aware when she received a text message asking if she was a porn star.
Other students confronted her as speculation spread through the school about the woman in the video.
"It happened when I was right in the middle of my end-of-year exams for Year 11, when one of the boys sent a text to me. He said, 'Are you making porn now?'," she said yesterday.
The girl said she was left shocked when she saw the video.
"It made me feel horrible, it was unfair and humiliating that they had done this," she said.
The girl's parents have had to become members of a US porn site to track the original video and clear their daughter's name.
"As her parents we were astounded at the resemblance of the porn star to our daughter and, had we not recognised the difference in body features, we would have thought the same as everyone else – that it was her," her father said."

Wow, that just sucks. But leads me to ask: How is it that the parents could tell the difference now? Unless they're boinging her.
Just kidding.

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