Sunday, July 10, 2005

Stem cells and big business

Great article in today's Boston Herald about stem cell research. Among many points laid out was one that shows the US falling far behind the rest of the world in terms of progress. Now I don't understand why the US in embracing stem cell research; we could cure all kids of disease, even cancer, the blind could see and the paralyzed ma walk. So why aren't we embracing this? Simple. Big business and W. don't want stem cells because it would take BILLIONS away from the medicals companies and corporations. Not to mention these same companies line the pockets of the politicians and law makers to make this research and subsequent cures impossible to attain. It's only a mattar of time before another country like South Korea, who are the undisputed leaders right now, come up with a cure. Then W. will make it outright illegal. After all, who are we to take money away from politicians and big business? It's only our lives i'm talking about.
Do you really think the cancer research places will willingly give up this money? No, they would rather have children die rather than mess with the money.

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