Friday, July 15, 2005

Cameron Diaz you swine!

Ok, so here we have what's-her-face. Is she still seeing Timberlake? Shouldn't that be statauory rape of some kind? And she is now suing someone who has topless pictures of her that is threatening to release them.

And why shouldn't he?

Diaz says that the model release form is a fake and that she never signed one. Ok, stupid! What the fuck did you think he was going to do with them? Put them out on the coffee table for guests?

This is just another example of a celeb. being above the law.

Now i'm not saying that O.J is a murdering bastard or anything. Or even suggesting that Michael gave that kid wine then then fondled him. Just that if this we're another noface civillian, the case would get laughed out of court.

Now, in Cameron's defense; iv'e seen you in a bikini and for all intents and purposes, cardboard left out in the rain for a month looks better. These pictures will only bring to light what you really don't look like anymore.

Take it as a "god works in a mysterious sort-of-way thing."

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