Wednesday, October 26, 2005

An Oscar for J Ho?

That's what the latest rumor is. I know, I can't believe it either.

"I hear the bombshell from the Bronx has been telling friends that her main priority right now is to win an Academy Award®. And to do so she may even consider changing the make-up of the current team that's guiding her career. "She keeps saying, 'I don't want anything else but an Oscar,'" a source tells me. One bigwig has advised her to separate herself a bit from some of her mass-market business endeavors if she ever wants to be taken seriously as an Oscar-caliber actress"

Remember the good ol days when she stuck to things she knows. Like pulling trains on the cast of "In Living Color." I would love to hear what Jamie Foxx has to say about this.
I can almost guarantee that never in our lives will we hear, "And the oscar goes to..."
But iv'e been wrong before.

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