Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Pricks Pt. I

My neighbors annoy the shit out of me. They are so loud and inconsiderate. And to ask them to quiet down is almost like you are insulting their culture. They are spanish, and anyone that knows me, knows I have a special place in my heart for them. I consider most that I have met to be rude , inconsiderate, and self-serving. And I have met many in my life. I even had a bike stolen by one when I was young.
So they have these "Prayer Meetings" that consist of loud music, stomping on the floor with a large number of people. I have a 3 year old son. Now, iv'e been a catholic all my life and I have never known these meetings to be like this. I guess that's the way they do things in Columbia. Now keep in mind that there are four families living in this house and we have all complained about them to no avail by the landlords. I have even had to call the police on occasion. Oh, and the landlords are my grandparents.
I pay a substancially less of a rate to live here, but for that I get no support from them, and when situations like this happen, they turn a blind eye to it simply because they get 1100.00.
What-the-fuck-ever, blood is thicker than money.
Apparently not if you come from a greedy, authoritarian, Italian family.
And they (my grandparents) wonder why no one wants anything to do with them.
One would think that with all the money they horde in their backyard they could afford a clue.
But then again, they still think and act like it's 1930 America.
Get a clue, it's 2005 and none of us are going to live forever.

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