Wednesday, July 13, 2005

So Un-cool

Anyone see the movie "So Cool" with Travolta and Thrman? Basically a remake of "Get Shorty" but set around the music industry. The movie I thought was well written, good character development, and decent plot. Unfortunatly, I lost it with all the cameos; Steven Tyler, and Fred Durst among others. Which brings me to my point;

How the fuck in god's rock-and-roll Earth do you put such a rock legend, with the such a wannabe pigeon shit? And if you need me to spell out who is who, you should go drink drain-o right now.

Now to be fair to Durst, He did a better job acting because it involved no speaking lines, Or moving for that mattar. Tyler just overplayed the "As Himself" role.

Better luck next time.

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