Thursday, October 27, 2005

Potential Child Molester on the South Side of Waltham, MA.

So I read in the local paper about a guy who gets nabbed by the police for posession of child pornography. To add to it, he has encrypted messages on his computer outlining fantasies he has about a particular girl in the neighborhood. I know of this girl and she is no older than 15. He's 35. Now that this man is seeing a therapist, his lawyer stated that "he deleted all questionable material when he started seeking help."
I don't think so. He deleted it when he knew the police were going to come knocking.
But I personally think the police are protecting this guy.
So he get's indicted and is released without bail, and isn't even ordered to stay away from kids. What kind of a judge would do that? He has singlehandedly put every child in danger who lives in this neighborhood. I still see him playing with the kids in the neighborhood. Even the girl who he fantasises about when he masturbates. They say he's on anti-libido drugs, but I don't buy that shit for a second.
He embraces some of these kids, especially the girl, like their his own. Hugging them and tossing them around. And the funny thing is that all the parents still allow their kids to be around him. It is very strange. They have to know what's happening. Maybe they're all perverts and in on the whole thing.
And you think he'd keep a low profile. Especially when he's about one step away from a category 2 sex offender.
I have a 3 year old who I fear for. Because the day will come when he can play outside and this man may be out there.
But i'm always here. And if you ever touch any child, James Casey. especially mine, you'll get the hard goodbye.

Ashlee Simpson makes all of America stupid

My second favorite pinata, after a two-way tie for first being that elephant sperm Paris Hilton, and that bucktoothed, illiterate horse, Fantasia Barrino has to be Ashlee Simpson. That fraud, and yes, when it isn't you singing and claim it is, you're a fraud, managed to net her second number one album this week. Beating out Stevie Wonder and Rod Stewart.
Now we know neither one of them really sings.
How is this possible? Did you all take stupid drugs or did mommy just do to much heroin when the 220,000 people who bought her "album" were unborn? It really shows the stupidity of the American public as well as how corrupt the music industry is.
Didn't her getting outted at SNL teach you anything?
"Jessica's lip-synching sibling managed to hold off the advances of Stewart's latest for-the-fogies compilation of standards, Thanks For the Memory...The Great American Songbook: Volume IV--along with buzzed-about new releases from Martina McBride, Stevie Wonder, Bun-B and Depeche Mode--to notch her second straight chart-topper.
Simpson's I Am Me sold 220,000 copies for the week ended Sunday, while Stewart's Songbook moved 193,000, according to Nielsen SoundScan tracking. It's the sixth week in a row that a new album has debuted at number one on the Billboard 200. "

Lip-synching sibling. I couldn't have said it better myself. A big fuck you to all the little douchbags that bought this trash ensuring that only death will make her go away.
And I still Say her father is having incestuous three-ways with his daughters. I've seen too many pictures of him ooggling over them.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

An Oscar for J Ho?

That's what the latest rumor is. I know, I can't believe it either.

"I hear the bombshell from the Bronx has been telling friends that her main priority right now is to win an Academy Award®. And to do so she may even consider changing the make-up of the current team that's guiding her career. "She keeps saying, 'I don't want anything else but an Oscar,'" a source tells me. One bigwig has advised her to separate herself a bit from some of her mass-market business endeavors if she ever wants to be taken seriously as an Oscar-caliber actress"

Remember the good ol days when she stuck to things she knows. Like pulling trains on the cast of "In Living Color." I would love to hear what Jamie Foxx has to say about this.
I can almost guarantee that never in our lives will we hear, "And the oscar goes to..."
But iv'e been wrong before.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Death Anyone?

Read this today off the BBC. Who says there's not enough depressing crap in the news. Two 13-year old girls we convicted of manslaughter of a little girl. Now, I am a father of a 3-year old who is my hero, and my best friend. If the day ever came that something like that happend and the Judge only gave 2 years. You bet your sweet fuckin ass that i'll go and get my friend "big nothing" and that'll be that.
End of fucking story.
Simple, you kill a kid, you die.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Slapped by a woman?

Oct. 17 Their Toyota Indy 400 runs ended in a crash Sunday, but the action between Danica Patrick and Jaques Lazier didn't end on the track.
"So you're telling me that Jaques is saying he got beat up by a girl?" Patrick told the Star through a Rahal Letterman Racing spokesperson.
Dr. Kevin Scheid was driving the rescue vehicle and told the two drivers to settle down. But he would not settle the punch/poke debate.
"I'm not going to break that tie," he told the Star, laughing.
Patrick, who came away from the crash with a sore left elbow, and Lazier, who was not injured, came together and both spun and slammed hard into the wall. Each blamed the other for the crash that set up the dramatic finish.
"That's not the way I wanted to finish my season," Patrick said. "I was on my radio all day about him. He was all over the track even when he was running by himself. No wonder he jumps around from team to team. Needless to say, I'm pretty frustrated."
Lazier said Patrick was the one at fault for continually pinching his car down in the corners.
"She didn't want to give me any room," Lazier said. "

Hey dickface! That's racing. And seeing as your team has had like 28 crashes this year I wouldn't argue with the woman. Besides, i'd gladly crash into her if she'd punch me.
I love you Danica, better luck next year.

File under 'oops!'

A TEENAGE girl has been shocked and humiliated after students at her private school distributed a porn video they thought she starred in.The 17-year-old from northern New South Wales was stunned to discover students had copied footage from an X-rated website featuring an actress she looked like.
The 10 seconds of film was then circulated by email to dozens of other students, wrongly claiming she was the star.
The school and police are investigating the incident.
The girl, who asked not to be identified, told The Sunday Mail she first became aware when she received a text message asking if she was a porn star.
Other students confronted her as speculation spread through the school about the woman in the video.
"It happened when I was right in the middle of my end-of-year exams for Year 11, when one of the boys sent a text to me. He said, 'Are you making porn now?'," she said yesterday.
The girl said she was left shocked when she saw the video.
"It made me feel horrible, it was unfair and humiliating that they had done this," she said.
The girl's parents have had to become members of a US porn site to track the original video and clear their daughter's name.
"As her parents we were astounded at the resemblance of the porn star to our daughter and, had we not recognised the difference in body features, we would have thought the same as everyone else – that it was her," her father said."

Wow, that just sucks. But leads me to ask: How is it that the parents could tell the difference now? Unless they're boinging her.
Just kidding.

Now, Fantasia Barrino blames others for being stupid

So now, to counter her stupidness, Fantasia Barrino blames others for her illiteracy in true celebrity fashion. If you can call someone who does karreoke a celebrity. But it worked for Ashlee Simpson.

"A couple wants signs promoting Fantasia Barrino removed because they think her new autobiography portrays the city negatively.
In her book, "Life is Not a Fairy Tale," Fantasia said she couldn't read after attending local schools. She also described how her friends used to call High Point the "Land of the Dead."
The 21-year-old R&B singer won season three of the Fox television show "American Idol."
Kyle Sandler, 29, and Jennifer English, 26, have created a Web site to counter the book's descriptions.
"I can see people driving in to (the furniture) market saying, 'Ha ha ha. Fantasia hates them but look at the signs saying 'Welcome to High Point, home of Fantasia Barrino,'" Sandler said."

So whose fault was it then Fantasia? And I still want to know how you read the rules for American Idol on account of you being a moron.
Oh, and nice retainer!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Yoko Oh no!

I don't care what anyone says; the Beatles suck and are so overrated. And Yoko Ono killed John Lennon and no one else. We should be bringing her up on charges. Personally I don't see what a bisexual like Lennon saw in her.
And this picture makes me want to puke. This is regarded as one of the most memorable covers ever. I have no idea why either.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hillary endorses breaking the law

Ok, I loved Bill Clinton. But I can't stand his douchebag wife. Last week, Hillary posted on her senate website that she thought it was ok to give illegal immigrants who were displaced by the hurricanes, diaster relief?
What the fuck?? I live here and I can't get any benefits because I am above the median income. Which isn't much for all you keeping score. And essentially we're saying it's ok to break the law.
I say, give them a band aid and a cup of water and deport their law breaking, immigrant asses. I am so sick of my tax dollars going to these scum.

Child Molesters are Everywhere! Especially France!

Ok, shouldn't there be a law forbiding Roman Polnaski from having anything to do with children?
This guy is fucking scum and should be hung by his balls.

"One of the reasons Roman Polanski chose to interpret Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist" for the screen was simple: he wanted to make a movie for children."I'm happy that my children and their friends to whom I showed this film gave me good reviews this time," he said in Bangkok on Saturday to some laughter from reporters."

Gee, I wonder what they were laughing at? The same thing I am I wager. And BTW, Polanski has been living in France of all places since he fled the US in 1978 rather than face sex charges.
Leave it to the French to take in this child raping pervert. But after all, these are the same pussies who surrendered to Hitler rather than fight.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Black Stereotypes are everywhere.....

I found this while on the yahoo! message boards. Which, if I were a comiedian would be using these because they are an untapped resource for funny shit. BTW, I did not author this....

1. Basketball
2. Graffiti
3. Selling crack
4. Committing violent felonies against whites, usually rape and murder
5. Collecting food stamps
6. Dating mentally ill/FAT white women
7. Keeping prisons full
8. Running from cops...for about 10 seconds until they send the k9 unit after them
9. Remaining chronically unemployed
10. Being lazy
11. Being stupid
12. Being overall just worthless
13. Jacking cars
14. Talking on cellphones
15. Wearing fake gold
16. Driving Caprice Classics
17. Stealing Caprice Classics
18. Having tons of bastards kids
19. Spreading STDs
20. Somehow getting all of society to HATE you
21. Standing too close
22. Asking white smokers for cigarettes
23. Driving too slow in the rain
24. Driving like maniacs in snow. Snow is white, they have to tear it up
25. Walking out on the tab
26. Dodging collection agencies
27. Dodging social workers
28. Trading food stamps for drugs
29. Breeding dogs for fighting only
30. Killing cats for fun with those same dogs
31. Standing too close to the curb
32. Walking across the street too slowly
33. Hanging around liquor stores begging for change
34. Dropping a 3-day old sandwich after bumping into you and blaming you for it, hoping you'll pay for it
35. Whining/griping/complaining ABOUT EVERYTHING
36. Calling in sick
37. Not getting along at work
38. Smelling funny all the time
39. Perpetually trying to sue for dumb things

Special thanks goes to yachtsman_john_kerry for that bit.
Can't wait for the hatemail on this one.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Gorillas in our midst

Haha. That will surely draw some ire. Who told this douchebag (Naomi Capmpbell BTW) that it was ok to dress like this?
The woman to her immediate right has a priceless look on her face.
Congratulations Naomi on setting your people back a million years with this one. She's a definite cokehead.
I hope your father kicks your ass.


Ok, did "w" magazine take idiot pills today? I hope no one buys this magazine because buying anything this cokehead endorses is endorsing this kind of behavior

" Undated handout photograph made available today, Friday Oct. 7 2005, of the front cover of November's W magazine featuring supermodel Kate Moss on the cover. It will be Kate's first fashion magazine cover since recent damaging allegations of cocaine abuse. British pop star Robbie Williams said Friday that top model Kate Moss was being attacked unfairly for allegedly using cocaine. "It wouldn't have surprised me if she had tried to commit suicide the week that everything hit the papers," Williams told reporters at a news conference in Berlin Friday to introduce his new album, "Intensive Care."
Robbie Williams must be snorting coke with Moss, Sharon Stone, and that barbarian Naomi Campbell. Hey asshole, they have a video of her snorting 5 lines. So how is that "being attacked unfairly?" The best thing she could do is off herself and hopefully the droves of 13 year old girls who idolize her won't think it's ok to blow 5 lines of coke.
And they should stop saying "allegedly" because the evidence is there. Plain as the blow on her face.
I think she was on smack in this photo. My Kate, what big nostrils you have.

Fantasia Barrino is still stupid!

Singer Fantasia, who won the "American Idol" television talent show competition last year, performs on ABC's "Good Morning America" summer concert series in New York's Bryant Park, Friday, July 22, 2005. She is promoting her debut album "Free Yourself."
I'm thinking she should change the album title to "Teach Yourself: How to read."

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Someone finally got it right!

I get so pissed off at People magazine every year with their "50 Most beautiful/In the news at the moment, people in the world." Some of these people have no beauty outer or inner, but are listed because they are trendy at the moment. I'm sure that pig Paris Hilton will make the cut this year. Maybe I should make a porno and i'd make it in.
Well, Esquire has finally put the finger right where it should in naming Jessica Biel as the "sexiest woman alive" and no sentiment could be any more true.
Bravo Esquire!
And I still love this woman!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Even I make mistakes

OK, awhile back I ranted about Danica Patrick and her supposed snobbiness. Well, isn't it funny how a spread in FHM can change one's opinion. And she does have skill. I caught an IRL race and she's good. I don't know why she hasn't won yet.
I'm sorry Danica, PLEASSEEEE return my calls!

Red Sox suck!

I called it months ago that this team was one series away from imploding. And look what happened? Swept away. Sox won't win another series for another 80 years I imagine. They suck.
Have fun in the offseason losers. Thanks for letting the fans down.

I just don't understand...

Some people. Now, you are a rich as all hell person and you could have any woman in the world. Why would you want someone where everyone else has been? For all you scractching your head i'm talking about Paris Hilton and the rumor that she is swooning Stavros Niarchos. Famous for banging Mary-Kate Olsen.
I don't get it. What do people see in that STD collection that is Paris Hilton? She's a pig, and only famous for being rich and partying.
Guess i'll just stick to being stupid but if Stavros dosen't want an unexpected growth at the end of willy, he'll get out now.
Wear a rubber dude!

Isn't it time to wake up?

OK, someone tell me what's up with this makeup? It's obvious that she needs a makeup lesson but someone should tell her to do something with that nose. When is Ashlee going to wake up and realize she isn't her sister? No mattar what that magic mirror on her wall says.
Hope she takes some medicine for her "acid reflux" this weekend on SNL.
And I don't care what anyone says, she fucking lipsynchs.
Oh, and she's cock-eyed. I just realized that.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My own comments

Well, apparently some people don't like what I have to say. It's like if you come out against Israel, your "anti-semetic", come out against homosexuals, you're a "homophobe", and say ANYTHING against black people, your a "racist bastard" (see my Fantasia Barrino post for more on that).

So I guess this is what I have to say; if you don't like what I have to say, go fuck yourself! And don't send comments that you're not "going to be back" because you know you will!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Fantasia Barrino is stupid

Wow, file another one under the "I knew it" category. Fatasisia Barrino has revealed that she's illiterate. Now can someone please tell me how she competed in American Idol, got a bank account, or read the lyrics to a song (which is her livelihood BTW) without being able to read?

Jesus Christ, Curious George can read for fuck's sake. Now I don't want to come off as racist, but black and illiterate? Big surprise there. I think I am going to go and have a heart attack and die from that one. Shame on me for stereotyping. I just slapped my own hand and promised not to do it again.

Paris is burning

I wish. Well, to no one's suprise, especially mine, Paris "I'm a pig" Hilton has called off her engagement to the shipping puke. Citing reason that she has a "very active career." Now, by very active do you mean showing up at engagements, getting taped having sex with strangers, or doing the rounds in men's magazines every month? Well, that explains it.

I love going to the supermarket and seeing her on every cover from FHM, to Maxim. Thank god I cancelled my subscription.

Now Paris, I know you think the world is as stupid as you, but you should've been honest and told the real truth: Paris Latisis' father didn't want his son to get married to some walking STD holocaust bitch. But you can save face and try to say it was your decision. I'm sure the rest of stupid America will belive you. After all, they take you seriously as an actress.

I think i'm going to watch "One night in Paris." Thank you Bearshare