Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Immigration Poem


I visit US, get treated regal,

So I stay, who care I illegal?

I cross ocean, poor and broke,

Take bus, see employment folk.

Nice man treat me good in there,

Say I need to see welfare.

Welfare say, "You come no more,

We send cash right to your door."

Welfare checks, they make you wealthy,

Medicaid, it keep you healthy!

I go to college, for me it's free,

and now I have a Ph.D.

By and by, I got plenty money,

Thanks to you, American dummy.

Write to friends in motherland,

Tell them come as fast as you can.

They come in turbans and Ford trucks,

I buy big house with welfare bucks.

They come here, we live together,

More welfare checks, it gets better!

Fourteen families they moving in,

But neighbor's patience wearing thin.

Finally, white guy moves away,

Now I buy his house, and then I say,

"Find more aliens for house to rent."

And in the yard I put a tent.

Send for family (they just trash),

But they, too, draw the welfare cash!

Everything is very good,

And soon we own the neighborhood.

We have hobby-- it's called breeding,

Welfare pay for baby feeding.

Kids need dentist? Wife need pills?

We get free! We got no bills!

American crazy! He pay all year,

To keep welfare running here.

We think America darn good place!

Too darn good for the white man race.

If they no like us, they can scram,

Got lots of room in Pakistan.

Shut the fuck up Naomi Cambell

Some people don't know when to be quiet and play dumb. For some stupid reason, Naomi Cambell is defending Kate Moss. Now Naomi, modeling isn't a pro sports where the team has to defend the linebacker for poping the 16 year old. Idiot Moss got caught blowing 5 lines of coke on camera. And she got what she deserved; fired from three contracts.
Hope you didn't. "blow" it all away. Ok I kill me.
Shut up Naomi Cambell, before somene decides to start watching you.

Follow up to the Israel rant....

OK, this is addressed to those of you who label me as an; "Anti-Semite", "Jew Hater", and "Racist".
I choose to hate stupidity. And that can fall along a long range of people. Now I look at it this way; Over in the Middle-east, there is Israel, who is beyond rich! Thanks mostly in part to us. While I have trouble paying certain bills every month. Then you have tent-city that is Palestine where it's people are suppressed to the point of extinction. And that is a view from a neutral-stance. No sides on that one.
What will the companies be? Israel withdrew from the West-Bank. A territory the Palestinians blew themselves up over for years. And then Pals. Began a rocket barrage into Israel?
uh, what?
Israel has the nuke. Palestine dosen't. And i'm afraid to admit that if the Pals. had it. The birthplace of my man, Jesus Christ would be inhospitable for the next ten thousand years.
And he would be really pissed if that happened.
And what brought that on? Well, at a family gathering this weekend, my father voiced his utter hatred for the Palestinians and most arabs in general. And I thought; "I read of a man who thought the same way, and by the time of his death he killed over 6 million people." However, if you had said that to my father, it wouldn't even be worth it to argue because you couldn't get an opinion in.
Sorry dad, still love ya though.
I still prefer to remain neutral.
Peace in the middle-east. If Clinton were in office, I think he could do it.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Terrorism Quiz

Special thanks to my man "Lord Maggot" on the Yahoo! Message boards for this tidbit.

Question: Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from 29 more by U.S. vetoes?Answer: Israel.

Question: Which country in the Middle East receives more than one-third of all U.S. aid yet is the 16th richest country in the world?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East receives U.S. weapons for free and then sells the technology to the Republic of China even at the objections of the U.S.?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East had its Prime Minister announce to his staff not to worry about what the United States says because "We control America?"Answer: Israel

Question: What country in the Middle East was cited by Amnesty International for demolishing more than 10,000 innocent Palestinian homes as a means of ethnic cleansing.Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East used a weapon of mass destruction, a one-ton smart bomb, dropping it in the center of a highly populated area killing 15 civilians including 9 children?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely kills young Palestinian children for no reason other than throwing stones at armored vehicles, CAT bulldozers, or tanks?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East signed the Oslo Accords promising to halt any new Jewish Settlement construction, but instead, has built more than 290 new settlements since the signing?Answer: Israel

Q. Which country in the Middle East has assassinated more than 480 political officials of its opponent in the last 5 years while killing thousands of civilians in the process, including thousands of children and babies?Answer: Israel

Q. Which country spits in America's face by refusing to extradite the American jew (Samuel Sheinbein) back to the USA after he had killed a Christian child in Maryland? {This is particulary disgusting - do a YAHOO search of SAMUEL SHEINBEIN to read the entire story}Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East regularly violates the Geneva Convention by imposing collective punishment on entire towns, villages, and camps, for the acts of a few, and even goes as far as demolishing entire villages while people are still in their homes?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East continues to use internationaly outlawed fleshette bombs?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country has a 12% unemployment rate (1 out of 8 jews sit on their fat jew butts watching TV all day) yet is able to pay all their cable bills thanks to a yearly $12BILLION welfare check from the American taxpayer?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country is the entire cause of Arab/Moslem hatred towards the USA?Answer: Israel

Question: Which country gives each of it's citizens a $1800 yearly "bonus" thanks to you and I puting in overtime to pay our taxes?Answer: Israel

Which country has REFUSED to sign ANY arms control or NPT treaties on Nuclear chemical or biological weapons?Which country has secretly developed nuclear weapons, and then JAILED the whistleblower who revealed it to the world?Which country had supplied the old APARTHEID government of South Africa with Nuclear bomb technologies?Which country claims to be a 'democracy' but DENIES 1/3 of its population the most basic of human rights and lock them up in concentration camps from birth till death?Which country enacted ethnic purity laws to restrict population growth of its Arab minority?Which country has ignored every resolution of the U.N, reportedly has an arsenal of about 300 atomic weapons and refuses to discuss this with anyone, use illegal weapons on a civilian population - Flechette bombs - and have violated nearly every international law of war on the books.

Wow, makes you think!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Does anyone believe this bullshit?

Christina Aguilera is apparently "happy" that rival Britney Spears had a baby. Somehow I think that Paris Hilton would be more happy if Nicole Richie died in a firey, horrific car crash.

"My assistant came in the room when it happened and she's like, 'Britney had a boy!' and I was like, 'Oh my gosh!' I don't know where I was for a while when she was pregnant but it really kicked in at that point. It's like, 'Wow, she had a baby! That's crazy!' I'm overjoyed and thrilled for her. It's such an exciting time in her life and I just wish her the best."

Total crap. And as fake as your boobs. Next.

Uh, What?

So Donnatella Versace (Who?) Has opened a shop in London (I think half my audience just fell asleep) and that pig, Mariah Carey attended.

Does anyone else but me think that she may have attended to draw attention away from Donatella's beauty? Ok, that was a bad joke. Sorry to those of you I just killed.
Mariah Carey could be standing next to her naked with hotdog's sticking out of every orafice and most would still be like "How could they let that poor car accident victim out of the hospital?" What the fuck is wrong with Donatella's face? Someone please tell me that.

Good thing someone offed her homo brother or she would still be obscure. Kinda like puffy or whatever he's calling himself these days.


So for those of you that care, (I don't) That idiot Reene Zelpullmyfinger or however you say her friggin name, filed for Divorce from that country retard Kenny Chesney. I can't believe I spelled that right. Citing "Fraud" as the reason?

Now . Renee, whatever could you mean?

Does he use a "vocal assist" AKA Lip Synch or is he just plain gay? Define fraud!

Still waiting on an answer for that one.

Excuse me, I just threw up in my mouth at the thought of her being single.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I don't Love Courtney

File under: Another big suprise.

Courtney Love has been busted yet again for drug use. What is that like 27 times now? And the Judge, (Must be a hole fan), sentenced her to 180 day rehab for breaking her probation for past drug and narcotics use. For all of you blinking your eyes, that's right, go back and read it again.

So how many times are we supposed to put up with this crack ho? It truly is a shame she hasn't overdosed yet so we may save some trees by not printing about her.
Shouldn't we take the trees feelings into consideration?

No wonder why Kurt ate that shotgun.

Courtney, you are a loser and a drug addict and no amount of rehab will help you. Do us all a favor and off yourself so your little bastard daughter may have a chance at normalcy. But being spawned from that cootie hatch of yours, I doubt it.

Cocaine Moss

Wow! Big suprise. "supermodel" Kate "Cocaine" Moss has admitted to using cocaine to stay thin. An undercover expose by the foreign tabloid "Daily Mirror" has video footage of Moss doing 5 lines of cocaine with her drug addict boyfriend Pete Dohrety in a recording studio. Who he himself has had brushes with the law and his own drug problems.
Here we have another example of celebrities skirting the law. Anyone else would be crucified.
Moss, who is a model for Hennes & Mauritz clothing line, admitted that she did in fact use cocaine.
She was scolded with a slap on the wrist and promised not to do that again. Somehow, I think she will.
Funny thing is that the same tabloid had to pay an undisclosed amount to Moss this past January for printing a story that she collapsed into a "Cocaine induced coma" in 2001.
Now where would they get such a silly idea? Shame on the daily mirror for printing the truth.
If this were anyone else they would be jailed. But since it's a celeb, it's no big deal.
Must be the pressures of being rich. She didn't have me fooled for a second.
I would encourage you all to NEVER shop at H&M because they refuse to scold Moss for this and it's sets a bad image for their comapany. Tell them what you think 1.212.564.9922

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Federline you fuckin piece of shit!!

So, my battle with celebs continues. I just read that Kevin Federline, AKA Mr. Britney Spears was involved in another marrige. To Moesha star Shar Jackson. And they had 2 children together. Well, keeping in tune with his 'white trash' moniker, he DESERTED them to marry that trailer trash douchebag Britney Spears.

How can the public accept this?

I hope I can meet the two of you someday so I can tell you what pieces of shit you are. And your kids to. I hope your childrens dogs die horribly in front of their eyes.

I hope the public someday understands that "celebrites" don't give one rats ass about you. All they care about is that you keep them rich, stay in the public eye so that people won't figure out the real truth about them; that they are truly the biggest fuckin scumbags on the face of the planet.

So keep buying her records and endorsing her kind of behavior. But to me she will always be one thing; white, trailer trash.

Got Porn?

Holy Crap! And I mean that literally. What the hell happened to porn? I remember the good ol days when porn had a plot and it wasn't how fast you could nail the girl in the 3rd input. Nowadays, well, all you have to do is look at the multitude of anal porn out there to know what mean.
Does anyone have virgin sex anymore? I guess we are at a point in society that we have become desensitized (no pun intended) to the whole thing.
It wasn't long ago that things like this were considered sodomy and God struck down two cities.
I think my man Jesus is rethinking the getting nailed to the cross thing.
And this chick is my favorite.