Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Madonna has a religious identity crisis

Proving that she still likes whatever is trendy at the moment, Madonna humiliated herself on the opening night of her tour by doing her best Kanye West impression, appearing on a giant mirrored cross. Only thing is, she isn't black.
And while we're on the subject, shouldn't there be a law against people being Jewish and poking fun at our savior, Kanye West?
I think so.

Britney Spears hates Jews

Even though on her official website she stated that she gave up Kabbalah (Read: bullshit) for her son, the real reason came through:

“She’s tired of the way [Kabbalah leaders] kept hassling her for money.
Actually, it was mostly her mother’s decision. They were always asking
to tithe [donate a percentage of her salary]. There was a lot of
pressure, and
finally her mom said, ‘Enough is enough’.”

Wow! I think I just had a stroke from reading this. Who would of thought jews were after money? I never took jewish people for being the cheapest motherfuckers of all time. Well, save for my grandparents that is.

And what the hell is up with Brit's ass in this pic? It's looks like she took a dump or something.

Paris Hilton delays herpes outbreak, I mean 'album', again

"Paris Hilton's debut album has been put on hold again.The hotel heiress has
decided that she wants to include a cover of Gnarls Barkley's Crazy on the CD,
which means that the release date will be pushed back while the idea is
discussed."It's just Paris's latest idea and because she shares a label with
Gnarls, she thinks that it will all be a piece of cake," a source told the Daily

Are you effing kidding me? This chick knows more about herpes than she does about the music biz. Why do people continue to take her seriously? Guess the music biz must be the trendy thing right now.

Excuse me while I go and throw up about something else. And by something else I mean the thought of Paris Hilton with herpes. And by the way, Paris Hilton does have herpes.

Britney Spears is still a whore

"After Thursday's incident where Britney Spears almost dropped her baby and made a weird comment about owning a gun, she went into a restaurant with an
unidentified friend and broke down into tears, trying to cover up her crying by
shielding her face with Sean Preston. I'd feel bad for her, but crying doesn't
make up for being a horrible parent. If the only way she'll own up to her
mistakes is from pressure by the press then so be it. I can sympathize with
Britney, but her happiness means nothing when compared to the well being of her
child. Now cue some dramatic music and a shot of a guy looking somber.

I love when parents use their kids as an emotional shield. I see Britney still has no clue as to how to dress with any sense of mature responsibility. But then again, when you're trailer park trash, the simplist things about common sense will elude you.

Thanks to the superficial for this bit.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Mass. House finally says it's not ok to break the law

I hate Illegal Immigrants. I hate everything about them. Their sneaky ways. How they steal jobs and resources with no intention of ever paying them back. The way they send thousands of dollars home every month tax-free. And the way the can never assimilate to where they are. They expect everyone around them to adapt, but ask them to? Watch out esse' or you may get a 9 pulled on you.
Well, here's a step in the right direction as far as i'm concerned. And it's about fucking time.

"Massachusetts House members last night decisively defeated a controversial bill to extend in-state tuition rates at public colleges to undocumented immigrants, effectively killing the measure for this year."

"undoucumented immigrants?" That quote must have been written by a democrat. Because in my book, it's "Illegal Immigrant" Not 'undocumented'.
Why should we give these criminals a break on tuition? Most of them are complaining they can't get ahead now. Why should you? All you're going to do is steal our jobs from Americans who rightfully deserve them then send the money back and retire in your country of origin.
Why should it be so easy for someone who is here illegally to go to school where we have so many who are rightfully (read: Born here!) that struggle?
Get them all out. And make illegal immigration an act of terrorism.
I hate you Mexico.

I'm Baaaaacccckkkk

Doing wwwaaayyyyy too much of the Chronic lately. I haven't updated this friggin thing since November...Let's get to it with a good one, shall we?

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Fergie was never taught to wipe!

Black Eyed Peas eye candy Fergie seems to have a bladder problem. She can't stop pissing on herself as shown here. Now a rep claims that it was "sweat." Now if by sweat you mean urine, ok I can buy that. But to try and pass this off as perspiration, now that's just a lie.
I personally think she's an ok singer and only gets by because she's attractive. The peas would do fine without her.

Madonna, Not a young Jew anymore

Don't people know when their time is up? Madonna, who flirts with being both British and Jewish obviously hasn't looked at herself in the mirror lately or else would say to herself; " I really have no business dressing this way."
Seriously Madonna, no one wants to see your old ass prancing around in your underroos anymore. What do you think this is? The "True Blue" album where you were semi- attractive?
I think i'm going to go pull out her "sex" book and think of better days.

Friday, November 04, 2005

This is what Willis was talkin bout!

Today, Republican GOP have unveiled a plan that would build a wall streching from the Pacific ocean to the Gulf of Mexico to stem the tide of illegal terrorists entering this country.
Yes, I said "Illegal Terrorists." Because in my eyes, anyone here illegally is a threat to this country and should be tried as such.
I personally feel this is long overdue. These pieces of shit have been coming here for years, abusing our system, taking benefits from those rightfully entitled to them, and not being concerned about the repercussions of being caught. After all, they only need to hop across again.
They are also trying to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal terrorists. But, that would take an amendment to the constitution ratified by three fourths of the states. Not an easy feat, but it can be done.
I can hear the wheels of the democrats moving to block this. After all, without the Hispanics, who will vote for them?
In ending this all I can say is; THE PARTY'S ALMOST OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Potential Child Molester on the South Side of Waltham, MA.

So I read in the local paper about a guy who gets nabbed by the police for posession of child pornography. To add to it, he has encrypted messages on his computer outlining fantasies he has about a particular girl in the neighborhood. I know of this girl and she is no older than 15. He's 35. Now that this man is seeing a therapist, his lawyer stated that "he deleted all questionable material when he started seeking help."
I don't think so. He deleted it when he knew the police were going to come knocking.
But I personally think the police are protecting this guy.
So he get's indicted and is released without bail, and isn't even ordered to stay away from kids. What kind of a judge would do that? He has singlehandedly put every child in danger who lives in this neighborhood. I still see him playing with the kids in the neighborhood. Even the girl who he fantasises about when he masturbates. They say he's on anti-libido drugs, but I don't buy that shit for a second.
He embraces some of these kids, especially the girl, like their his own. Hugging them and tossing them around. And the funny thing is that all the parents still allow their kids to be around him. It is very strange. They have to know what's happening. Maybe they're all perverts and in on the whole thing.
And you think he'd keep a low profile. Especially when he's about one step away from a category 2 sex offender.
I have a 3 year old who I fear for. Because the day will come when he can play outside and this man may be out there.
But i'm always here. And if you ever touch any child, James Casey. especially mine, you'll get the hard goodbye.

Ashlee Simpson makes all of America stupid

My second favorite pinata, after a two-way tie for first being that elephant sperm Paris Hilton, and that bucktoothed, illiterate horse, Fantasia Barrino has to be Ashlee Simpson. That fraud, and yes, when it isn't you singing and claim it is, you're a fraud, managed to net her second number one album this week. Beating out Stevie Wonder and Rod Stewart.
Now we know neither one of them really sings.
How is this possible? Did you all take stupid drugs or did mommy just do to much heroin when the 220,000 people who bought her "album" were unborn? It really shows the stupidity of the American public as well as how corrupt the music industry is.
Didn't her getting outted at SNL teach you anything?
"Jessica's lip-synching sibling managed to hold off the advances of Stewart's latest for-the-fogies compilation of standards, Thanks For the Memory...The Great American Songbook: Volume IV--along with buzzed-about new releases from Martina McBride, Stevie Wonder, Bun-B and Depeche Mode--to notch her second straight chart-topper.
Simpson's I Am Me sold 220,000 copies for the week ended Sunday, while Stewart's Songbook moved 193,000, according to Nielsen SoundScan tracking. It's the sixth week in a row that a new album has debuted at number one on the Billboard 200. "

Lip-synching sibling. I couldn't have said it better myself. A big fuck you to all the little douchbags that bought this trash ensuring that only death will make her go away.
And I still Say her father is having incestuous three-ways with his daughters. I've seen too many pictures of him ooggling over them.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

An Oscar for J Ho?

That's what the latest rumor is. I know, I can't believe it either.

"I hear the bombshell from the Bronx has been telling friends that her main priority right now is to win an Academy Award®. And to do so she may even consider changing the make-up of the current team that's guiding her career. "She keeps saying, 'I don't want anything else but an Oscar,'" a source tells me. One bigwig has advised her to separate herself a bit from some of her mass-market business endeavors if she ever wants to be taken seriously as an Oscar-caliber actress"

Remember the good ol days when she stuck to things she knows. Like pulling trains on the cast of "In Living Color." I would love to hear what Jamie Foxx has to say about this.
I can almost guarantee that never in our lives will we hear, "And the oscar goes to..."
But iv'e been wrong before.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Death Anyone?

Read this today off the BBC. Who says there's not enough depressing crap in the news. Two 13-year old girls we convicted of manslaughter of a little girl. Now, I am a father of a 3-year old who is my hero, and my best friend. If the day ever came that something like that happend and the Judge only gave 2 years. You bet your sweet fuckin ass that i'll go and get my friend "big nothing" and that'll be that.
End of fucking story.
Simple, you kill a kid, you die.