Saturday, January 14, 2006

Mass. House finally says it's not ok to break the law

I hate Illegal Immigrants. I hate everything about them. Their sneaky ways. How they steal jobs and resources with no intention of ever paying them back. The way they send thousands of dollars home every month tax-free. And the way the can never assimilate to where they are. They expect everyone around them to adapt, but ask them to? Watch out esse' or you may get a 9 pulled on you.
Well, here's a step in the right direction as far as i'm concerned. And it's about fucking time.

"Massachusetts House members last night decisively defeated a controversial bill to extend in-state tuition rates at public colleges to undocumented immigrants, effectively killing the measure for this year."

"undoucumented immigrants?" That quote must have been written by a democrat. Because in my book, it's "Illegal Immigrant" Not 'undocumented'.
Why should we give these criminals a break on tuition? Most of them are complaining they can't get ahead now. Why should you? All you're going to do is steal our jobs from Americans who rightfully deserve them then send the money back and retire in your country of origin.
Why should it be so easy for someone who is here illegally to go to school where we have so many who are rightfully (read: Born here!) that struggle?
Get them all out. And make illegal immigration an act of terrorism.
I hate you Mexico.

I'm Baaaaacccckkkk

Doing wwwaaayyyyy too much of the Chronic lately. I haven't updated this friggin thing since November...Let's get to it with a good one, shall we?